Calling Home

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Emma was called into action exactly eighteen months, twenty three days, fifteen hours, forty nine minutes, and fifty three seconds ago. Regina counted each passing moment until she received a letter claiming her beloved Emma Swan was killed in action. Heartbroken, Regina can't cope with life without Emma, until she receives the surprise of a lifetime. AU / Established Remma. Also my very first fanfic ever *internal screams b/c I didn't realize how quickly I was gonna be obsessed with SQ*


Pacing the floor of her bedroom, Regina wrapped her fingers in her hair, tugging lightly at the roots out of disbelief. Her cheeks were flushed pink with obvious, grey streaks of mascara and eyeliner running down to her chin. There was a neatly folded piece of paper signed by some official of the Army lying on the bed that Regina reread at least ten times. They stated the base that her, quote, "loved one" was stationed at was spontaneously attacked during the wee hours of the night by an army of thousands. There were few survivors, but Emma apparently wasn't one of them. The worst part of it was that the service men couldn't seem to locate the blonde, which caused Regina's heart to lurch.

Her heart had shrunk to the size of a mustard seed and plummeted into the pit of her stomach while everything she had eaten that day threatened to come back up. Regina should still be crying, grieving over the loss of her wife, lover, and best friend, but her body wouldn't allow her to show even more weakness. Instead, as if instinct, her body turned to anger, pure and blinding fury. She had begged Emma to not enlist, warned her to be careful and come home to her, but the stubborn blonde never listened. Emma couldn't have even given Regina the decency to come home! Sure, she received letters and phone calls from her wife, but no longer would she see the stupidly charismatic blonde. She wouldn't witness the shit-eating smile any more. The sight of Emma sleeping and the sticky feeling of drool on Regina's chest would be a distant memory.

"You idiot!" Regina screamed, grabbing the nearest object, which happened to be one of her heels, and pitching it across the room, shattering the mirror just above her vanity. "How could you leave me like this? Don't you understand I can't live without you?" The mayor continued to rant in the bedroom, her frustration getting the best of her as she tossed everything in sight. The room seemed as if a tornado had ran through it, and it would have even more so if Regina didn't stop in her tracks.

Silence engulfed the room as the brunette slumped onto the bed, her fingers holding a white picture frame, shaking. The pad of Regina's pointer finger ran over the glass, tracing the face of her, Henry, and the blonde woman she loved more than anything.

Angry tears claimed her eyes once again, trailing down her cheeks graciously. "I need you, Em--"

Just as she was going to continue, words replayed in Regina's mind: her mother's words. 'Love is weakness'. Maybe the phrase was true. Now that she truly lost Emma, she was in her weakest form ever. True, her love for Daniel was real, but Emma was the love of her life. Emma was her wife, the mother of her child, their child.

The mayor's mind immediately went to Henry. How was she going to tell him? How could she be the one to sit him down and tell him that his mother, the woman that gave birth to him, died? Regina couldn't do this, but she had to. Setting the frame down beside her, Regina hunched forward and hid her face in her hands, leaning her elbows on her knees. She would tell Henry when he got home from school, whether she wanted to or not.


Two weeks after receiving the letter, Regina was clad in all black, still mourning her loss. Henry had taken the news just as Regina expected, as well as the rest of Storybrooke knowing their beloved Savior was dead, but the brunette was worse than anyone thought. She had refused to eat for quite some time, only replenishing her malnourished body when Henry practically begged her. Black rings were forming underneath her chestnut eyes and grey hairs were sprouting from the roots of her dark brown tresses.

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