Annoying Little Brat

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[ATTENTION: this is mika from 2018. I think I made this in 2016, I don't remember. I'm just here to warn you that this is the most funniest shit I've ever seen. It's so dumb that it's stupid, just saying. The only thing I shipped back then was dorl, so I didn't know who else to ship. So, I just put two random ppl together and called it a ship I "shipped". Well, thanks for reading this! I hope you have a great time laughing at this shitty fanfic that is so stupid you just can't take it anymore! Bye!]

Alex's POV:
So, me and Denis ALWAYS fight. And I'm not the one who starts all these stupid fights. Denis is. He always bullies me! Ugh. Anyways, I can tell  that everyone is annoyed by Denis. Corl is sometimes, but mostly he's on Denis's side. "Hey, Likman! How's it going?" Sketch joyfully asked, waking into my room. "Sketch! You didn't knock!" I whined. "Oh, welp!" Sketch shrugged. He acted like it was nothing! Well, I guess it was nothing. "What's going on in this little mind?" Sketch chuckled, rubbing my head. "SKETCH! YOURE MESSING UP MY HAIR!" I snapped, trying to fix it. "Sorry." Sketch rolled his eyes. "Ugh..." I sneered, still trying to fix my stupid, ugly hair. "Why do you worry 'bout your hair so much?" Sketch asked, staring at me constantly brushing my purple hair. "Hmmm, I, I don't know Sketch." I said, not really listening. "You sure you don't know?" Sketch smiled. "Yea, yea...." I trailed off.

Sketch's POV:
"Yea, yea...." Alex trailed off. I knew that he wasn't listening once he said that. "Alex, you're not listening...are you." I walked closer. "Yes, yes....." He nodded. Ok, now I was sure that he wasn't listening to me. "Ok, I'm going to kiss Sub now.....bye Likman!" I smirked. I knew that Alex shipped me and Sub together, soooo. "WAIT WHAT???" Alex screamed with joy. "Huehuehue." I chuckled to myself. I finally got his attention.

Denis's POV:
Ugh, I don't know if you guys know this...but...I absolutely HATE Alex. He's SO ANNOYING. UGHHH. His stupid little jokes, are just, never mind. You know what I mean. But, one day, I saw Alex writing in something. Like, like a book.

When I saw it, I felt like it was something he didn't want ANYONE to find out about. Then I thought to myself, "What if I used this against him so he can be removed from our whole group?? *gasps* I HAVE AN AMAZING IDEA!" Well, I did whisper it. I didn't yell that out, that would be stupid. That's what an Alex would do.

(A/N: HOLY CRAP DINGO W/ THE ROASTS!!!! (Man, I'm cringey..)

I 'ran' to Sub's room. "SUB, I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU-" I froze and stared at what I was seeing right in front of me. "What the...." I muttered to myself, being terrified on what I was seeing. Sub was, kissing his dog....really weird like. "Uh, Sub? What the heck are you doing?" I asked, startling him. "Oh-Uh.....H....Hi Dingo!" Sub jerked up. "Didn't see, see you t-there!" He smiled nervously. "Uh-*coughs*-I need to tell you something important." I stated, trying to act like nothing happened between us just now. "Uh, ok. What is it?" He asked curiously. "It's, it's Alex." I answered. "Wha-What about him?" He wondered. "Uhm, he is just....causing our group to hate each other." I replied. "Really? I thought it was you." He smirked and crossed his arms. "You little.....hmp." I stomped away. I really wanted Alex to LEAVE THIS PLACE AND GROUP. "Ugh, no one would listen to me. They all think that Alex is the kind, sweet, charming guy." I mocked. "What was that, Denis?" Alex questioned, walking by. "Crap." I told myself.

Corl's POV:
"Huh, I wonder what's going on over there." I said, peeking around the corner of the hallway. "Crap." I heard someone mutter. "Hm?" A British guy asked, sounding like thy already knew what they were saying. "Denis? Alex? Oh no, not again." I face-palmed. "Denis, Alex! Don't fight again." I stepped in. "Wha-What?" Alex looked at me strangely. "Corl! What now? We're not fighting." Denis hissed, walking towards me. "Denis, shut up." I smiled evilly. "I hate you." He replied. "Don't we all?" I smirked and sauntered away. That felt good.

Sketch's POV:
"Hey, Ethan, what's goin' on?" I argued. "Elijah! Shut up!" Ethan replied with anger. "Guys! S-Stop!" Amie cried. "Amie, no." We both glared at her. "Don't get into this, sweetie." Ethan smiled heroically. "Ok, Ethan, why didn't you tell me this?" I asked. "Ugh, Elijah, just face the truth." Ethan sighed. "JUST TELL ME!" I yelled. "OUR MOM TOLD ME TO..!" He sobbed. "........what?" I slowly whimpered. "Why did she tell you to keep this from me?" I questioned him. "*sighs* I....I don't know why she told me to keep that from you..." He told me with tears falling from his soft face. I walked up and hugged him. Amie came in too. "*sobs* I-I'm so, so s-sorry guys..." He cried with a forgiving voice. It was so heart breaking to see my brother like that. "It's ok, I forgive you...but....why?" I still asked, still, very curious. "*sniff*-I-*sniff*....she just told me to it else I would get b-beaten....again." said he. "W-What?" Amie said in disgust. "She, what?" Her smile faded into a frown.....immediately. "Uh oh! Angry Amie is coming out!" I smirked, trying to lighten up the mood.

It made it worse.

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