Does He Remeber?

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Emma's POV:
"Denis...? Are you still here?" I asked constantly. I sighed. "They're coming..." I muttered under my breathe. I walked down the stairs. "Hey, Emma....?" Alex asked. "Y-Yea...?" I answered, looking through the files. "Does Corl remember us....?" He asked with hesitation. It took a little bit for me to answer. "...........yes.....and no......" I sighed. "What.....?" He asked very confused. "He.....does and doesn't..." I tried to answer clearly. "You're not making it clear for me." He noted. "*sigh* I's just......Corl does know don't exist in the world anymore." I tried to explain. "Wait...I....I....died...?" He asked, giving me a look. "Nonono! You're are not in their world anymore." I tried to make it easier for him to understand. He sighed. "When would things go back to normal....?" He asked, with a very very sad and heart breaking tone that I couldn't take. "*tears up a bit* take a little bit...." I sheepishly sighed. Alex then hugged me. I hugged back. We both started crying in each others' arms. "I'm sorry...." I tried to say clearly. "It's not your fault,...." Alex sobbed. "I know....I'm just sorry that I can't make thing better...." I answered.


I got a call from Denis. He told me that something was wrong with Corl. I told him to stay on. "Denis, I know what's wrong, stay on, k?" I told him. "Ok." He answered. I started to type. Then, I found what I was looking for. "Denis." I stated. "Y-Yea....?" He said. "Wish for everyone to come back." I told him. "W-What...?" He stuttered. "You know exactly what I'm talking about Brother." I angrily noted. "Uhm...." He trailed off. "Denis Kopotun. Wish for everyone to come back." I said again. "W-Why...." He asked. "It will make things better, trust me." He was silent for a few seconds. "F-Fine..." Why the heck was he stuttering? Did he not want to do this...? "Denis." I said. "Yea...?" He answered. "Why are you stuttering." I asked. "N-No rea-" He stopped talking. "Denis...? DENIS...?" I yelling into the computer. No answer. "Hello." Someone greeted. "W-Who are you?" I asked cautiously. "Corl. Or Braden I must add. Denis is busy right now. So, bye bye...!" Corl smiled. "W-WHAT...? N-NO! COME BACK!" I screamed. Sub, Sketch, and Alex all looked at me once I yelled. All looking...puzzled. "CORL DONT-" I stopped. I clicked on "face time". "Denis...?" I answered, once the word "connecting" came on. "Y-Yea...?" He asked. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yea...but...Corl's somewhere..." He stopped making uncomfortable pauses. "Denis...?" I asked again. "Yea-" It glitched out, making me jump a bit. "Denis...??" I asked. I looked at the screen, saying "He's busy." "What the...." I trailed off. Alex came by. "What happened?" Sketch also walked with him. "Yea, what the heck was that?" He asked. "Uhhm.....Denis." I answered. "What about him?" Alex questioned. "He's....trying to get you guys back." I told them. "Wait what?!" Sketch jumped happily. Alex pranced with joy. Sub just shrugged. "Hehe, yea....but...." I said. ".....but what....?" Alex's smile immediately switched into a frown. "Corl." I told them. "What about Braden?" Sub stood up. "He's glitching out." I informed them. "What?" They all said confused and shocked. "Since you guys are not there anymore, their world isn't balanced." I explained to them. They all nodded. Then, my computer got a message. I checked what it was. "What......the.....heck....." Sub muttered. "Uhhm....." Sketch stared at the screen. Alex started sweating. I, was silent. "What in the world....?!" I said. "Uhhhh.....what-who sent t-that?" Alex gulped. "Corl...." I whispered loudly. Alex's eyes widen. "What the f-" "SKETCH!" Alex whispered aggressively. "Sorry!" He whispered back. I giggled a bit, no one heard me. "We must get you guys back, until you guys are removed forever!" I read. "Wait,.....Corl sent that?" Sub asked; looking at the note once again. " says that?" Sketch asked. "I don't see it," Alex said fixing his glasses to see if that was the problem. What are they talking about? It says it right there! "What? What does it say?" I asked, rereading the letter. "It.....oh gosh..." Alex said while reading it. "You better not do it. You better not. If you do, you'll join them. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it." Sketch read. "What the heck?!" Sub looked at Sketch. "I know right! Who is he talking to?" Sketch asked. "I don't know.....probably Denis." I guessed. "Is Corl telling Denis NOT to bring us back???" Sub asked with a tiny bit of anger. "I'm guessing-" "FREAKING BRADEN IM GONNA-" "SUB NO!" Alex grabbed Sub's hand from smashing the computer. "SUB!" I screamed, jumping back. "SUB WHAT THE HEL-" Sketch helped Alex, stopping himself from cursing. Sub moved his hand away from the screen. "*sighs* I just hope he brings us back...." He sat down on the floor, laying his head back on the wall. Looking super depressed. "Awe, Sub, it's ok....I'll make sure that Denis won't listen to Corl's glitched mind." I smiled weakly. "I hope...." He sighed again.


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