No More Likman

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Corl's POV:
Everything got weird once I got the dinner ready. "Denis?" I asked walking towards his door. "What?" He yelled through it. "What happened?" I asked concerned. "Nothing." He answered. "When is dinner ready?" He then asked. "It's ready." I walked away. Once everyone got to the table, Denis asked a super weird question. "Hey, do you guys know where Alex is?" He smirked. "Who the heck is Alex." Sketch looked at him weirdly. "Yea, who's he." I stared. He laughed quietly and answered, "Never mind." What a weird start to a dinner. "Why would you ask that." Sub rolled his eyes. "Obviously you wanted us to answer." Sub continued to eat. "Well, I was just asking..." Denis muttered. Then it got really quiet after that. "H-Hey, guys." Sub came in. "Yea?" We all looked up. "Uh, what video ideas do you guys have? I-I'm running out..." He chuckled. "Ugh, aren't we all? That's what happens when you're a YouTuber. You always run out of ideas." Denis glared at him. "Denis, calm down." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Fine." He rolled his eyes. "I have as video idea." Sketch came out. "Yea? What is it?" I asked curiously. "We can....uh, can-oh gosh uh." He tried to remember. "S-Sorry, forgot." He shrugged. "Whatever." Denis muttered. "Who has an idea for a video?" Sub kept on asking. "Uh, a horror game in the living room?" Sketch suggested. "Well, blur out my face." Sub pouted. "Ok then! We're doing Denis's VR." Sketch bounced up and started tuning to Denis's room. "Hey hey hey," Denis grabbed Sketch's shirt. "Not so fast Skoop." Denis smirked. "I'll get it." He sauntered to his room. After Denis walked out, he had three things in his hands. The RV, and two remotes. "Now wha-AHHHHH!" Denis screamed while I pulled Denis to the living room. "What the heck Corl!" Denis yelled after we got to the living room. "What? We were just running." I shrugged. "What game?" I asked once everyone got in the living room. "I don't know." Denis collapsed on the couch. "I looked through the games we could play. Sub helped too. "Hey," Denis sat by me, helping...kinda. "Hello, Dingo." I smiled. "Maybe we could play a simulator..." Denis looked through the stash of games. "Huh, sure." I turned around and asked, "Hey guys, want to play this?" "Sure, why not." Sketch got up from the couch. We played for a little while for the group channel. Of course some parts, showed Sub's face but it was only there for a few seconds.

Sketch's POV:
We all played RV for the group channel! Yes! I've been waiting for the day to come! "Awe man, that was fun." I chuckled. "Yea, it was." Denis smiled at me. "What should we do now?" Corl asked. "I don't know, I honestly don't want to do anything right now." Sub looked at his phone. "Yea, same here." I pointed to myself. "Well, goodnight guys." Corl got up and started walking to his room. "Goodnight!" We all yelled. "Man, Corl must be tired. Well, I am too." I laughed. "Me too." Sub and Denis both said at the same time. After that they both looked at each other. Sub looked happy and surprised while Denis looked disgusted and had a face that looked like he wanted to kill himself. "Ok then, I'll just go to my room and record..." I winked at them and did finger guns. I ran to my room and started recording.

Denis's POV:
"Never do that again." I pointed aggressively at his chest. "I-It was an accident, ok!" Sub tried to convince me. "Whatever, just get to bed Sub." I glared at him. "Fine." Once I got to my room, I stared at the glowing blue on my desk. "*sighs* I'm still out of ideas..." I sat down at the desk. "Maybe I can make a video and actually post something." I smiled, but it quickly faded away. "Ugh, I want to wish something useful." I moaned. I looked around the room. "Eh, maybe I can wish for Skoopy to be gone for a day or two." I looked at the amulet evilly. He was getting in the way sometimes. I snatched the amulet and cried, "I wish that Elijah was removed from the group!" Blue dust surrounded me once again. After that, I left my room and checked if Sketch was gone. He was. I grinned. "He's gone."

Be Careful What You Wish For~A Pals FanficWhere stories live. Discover now