Chapter 1

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grace POV 

*beep beep beep*

I slowly open my eyes and roll over to turn off my alarm. Ugh, 7:00; time to go to work. I walk over to my bathroom and hop in the shower. When I get out I change into my big  sweater and black jeans with my fuzzy socks and moccasins. im going to let my hair dry to its natural waves. 

I run downstairs to see Mary and our dog buddy cuddled on the couch. 

"Morning gracie!" Mary smiled, "there are some leftover pancakes in the fridge with your name on it!"

I look at my phone, "thanks Mary but I'm going to be late, I have to run a few errands for my uncle. See you later at Pete's!" I pet buddy and rush out the door to my car. First stop is Dunkin donuts. I get a large iced coffee for me and a big box of donuts for the venue today. I also need to pick up other snacks for a big event. My uncle says a group called magcon is coming today. I've never heard of them before but apparently they are really popular; they have a sold out show. I pull up to the venue and bring in all the snacks. My uncle greets me outside. 

"hello grace!! Thanks for picking these up for me." He says while taking them from my hands.

"No problem! I'll go inside and wait for the entertainment at the front desk." I grab my drink, keys, and phone and get settled inside. 


Cameron POV

"Are we almost there yet?" Taylor whines from the back of the bus, "it feels like we've been in this bus for hourssss."

it's our final stop on tour, a bitter sweet feeling. I'm sad I won't be able to see all my fans everyday and meet all of them. However, the boys and I are staying in San Diego for 2 weeks as a mini vacation to end our tour. I'm very excited for today's show in a couple hours, our manager told us it's sold our!! 

I look out the window to see we are pulling into the parking lot. The bus stops and we all get off and head towards the front door. I have a feeling it's going to be a good day...

we walk in and we are greeted by a friendly face smiling a beautiful smile. Is it hot in here? Suddenly my palms are starting to sweat. 

Grace POV

I see a big tour bus pull into the lot and I get all my  papers in order on the desk. I smile as the group walks in. Wow, I think I know why they're so famous now. The boy in the front is definitely the hottest. Shit I just realized I haven't said anything. 

"Hi guys, you all must be magcon! I'm grace, it's nice to meet you" I smiled. 

Cameron POV 

grace. I'm going to have to remember that name. I stick my hand out and shake her hand. 

"Hi I'm Cameron, we are really excited to be here. This is Nash, jack, also jack, Taylor, Aaron, Shawn, and Matt." They all say hi. 

"Well we are happy to have you guys. Let me show you to your dressing room." Grace grabs a clipboard and leads us into the hallway. damn she is so cute, I just met her and I already want her to be mine. I look down to see some silly socks. 

"Nice socks" I tease. 

"I'm glad someone noticed," she laughed "I wore them special for you guys." She turns around and winks.  Now I really want her to be mine.

"She's kinda cute," Nash whispers to me. I feel a little twist in my stomach. Am I jealous of someone I just met?

we keep walking down the hallway and she shows us different rooms, the stage, and the area we will have our meet and greet; making jokes the whole way, laughing and smiling. I think I'm falling and I'm falling hard.

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