Chapter 7

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Grace POV: 

It's been a few weeks now and I'm just has heartbroken as I was the day Mary told me Cam had Nash tell her it was over. Time and time again I tried to explain it to Cam but he wouldn't believe me. I've come home to Tennessee for a little while to clear my head and just spend some time with my family. Buddy and Mary are still in San Diego at the house. I can't seem to move on. 

Cameron POV: 

I can't seem to move on. Since I broke it off with Grace, my life has been so empty. It feels as though I'm missing a part of me. I try to convince myself it's for the best but I've never had such a hard break up. I've gone on a few dates with other girls to try and clear my head but I can only think of Grace. I compare them all to her and no one can make me as happy as she did. Something needs to change.

Mary POV: 

I miss Grace. It is so lonely at the house with just me and buddy. Nash is visiting today and I hope he can cheer me up. 

I hear a know at the door. I open it and smile, it's Nash. 

"Nash!" I beam and hug him. He lifts me up and spins me around, laughing. "I've missed you so much!" 

"I've missed you too baby" he says putting me down. "Every day." We walk inside the house and I grab a bowl of chips off the counter and bring them to the couch where Nash sat down. "Grace still isn't home?" 

"No, she isn't" I frown, "I can't believe what happened"

"Me too," he sighs, "they were perfect for each other. What even happened?" I explain it in detail to Nash and show him the picture for the first time. Apparently, Cam is bad at explaining things because when I tell him the story he is in shock. "That's the guy?! Holy shit I need to call Cam now. I never saw the picture, I didn't know it was Winston!" 

"What?!" I jump up in shock. "You need to tell Cam right now, we need to fix this." Nash quickly calls Cam and leaves to go see him. I really hope this works. I'm going to try and convince Grace to come home. 

I pick up the phone and dial Grace. 

"Hello?" She picks up, "Mary is that you." 

"Yes it's me, please come home. I miss you, buddy misses you. It's been so long and I feel it's time for you to come back." 

"I don't know Mary I-"

"There is no reason not to! As bad as that picture was, we were able to use it to get a restraining order so Winston is gone. And besides, you said you would stay in Tennessee until thanksgiving and that was last week. Grace please." I start to tear up, I miss my best friend. 

"Maybe you're right Mary, as much as I hate to say it, I think you're right. It's time for me to face reality." 

"Yes! That's the spirit! Who knows, you might have a surprise waiting for you when you get home." I hear grace chuckle and I make her promise to book a flight back to San Diego. We say our goodbyes and hang up. I'm now determined to bring these two back together.

Nash POV: 

I'm so shocked right now. Why did I not ask Cam more questions? I'm so disappointed in myself. I need to make this right. 

I call Cam as I run out of Mary's house and get into my car. Lucky for me, Cam moved to the other side of San Diego a few weeks after he and Grace started dating. 

"Nash?" Cam picks up, confused. 

"Yes Cam, we need to talk. I'm coming over right now. I need to tell you something right away, see you soon." I hang up before he can respond. 

I walk up to his apartment complex and have him ring me in. I storm into his room. 

"Cam you are not going to believe this.  Hear me out before you stop me and after I finish, you can decide if you want to believe me or not." 

"Hello to you too," he chuckles. I explain the whole thing to him and confirm that I know this guy and stand behind what Mary and Grace have said. Cam sat their in shock. It was a lot. 

Cameron POV: 

I'm torn. I want to believe Nash, I really do. But I just remember how I felt when I saw that picture  and I don't want to ever feel that pain again. On the other hand, I knew Grace wouldn't do anything like that, and Nash wouldn't feel so strongly about this if he wasn't sure he was right. 

"Cam please," Nash pleaded, I could tell he was sincere. "Believe me. I could show you more evidence but I know you know I'm right" 

I stood up and stretched, "You're right Nash. I can't belive I just blew her off and wouldn't listen. I've made a big mistake. I need to make it up to her but she probably hates me." 

"Well that's just it, I admit you fucked up" I stare at Nash, "but I know she doesn't hate you. You can at least try" 

I stand there and stare out the window. I need to do something. I have an idea. "Thanks Nash." I shout as I get my keys and stuff together. "I owe you." I run out the door and get in the car. 

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