Chapter 6

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The two weeks went by in a flash and it was time for the magcon boys to go home. I didn't want to say goodbye to Cam but he promised to be back soon. Nash came to say goodbye to Mary, they've been dating for a couple days now. 

"Do you have to go?" I pout as I hug Cam tight 

"I'll be back as soon as I can" he frowns and kisses the top of my forehead. "A minute won't go by without me wishing I was right here next to you." He always knows the right things to say. We exchange goodbyes and the boys leave for the airport. Mary and I go and sit on the couch and sigh. However long he is gone will be too long. 

* * * 

Grace POV: 

Cam and I have always been public about our relationship from the start, neither of us couldn't imagine hiding that from his fans. However, it comes with a new lifestyle for me. I'm constantly recognized in public and really don't have any privacy anymore. For me, it's a small price to pay to be with Cam. 

I walk to the kitchen and glance out the window to see my worst nightmare. 

"Oh no" I groan to myself "Mary! Get down here!!" I yell. She comes down the stairs. 

"What could possibly be such an emergency" Mary asks

"Shhhh" I whisper, "just come here and look outside. 

"Oh no" she replies, concerned seeing the familiar car. 

Our old neighbor, Wilson, was the worst guy ever. He was rude and never respected anyone. Wilson would always mess with me and never gave up on trying to get with meZ He left his house one day and was gone for so long, we just forgot about him. However when we saw old car roll into the driveway, we knew he was back to stay. As we stare I catch him look our way and we crouch under the counter and hope he didn't see us. Sadly, we hear him walk up to the door and knock, making us jump. 

"I'll go tell him off" Mary offers, starting to walk towards the door. 

No I'll do it," I get up, " I need to end this now." I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Missed me hot stuff?" He says giving his creepy smirk. He hasn't changed at all.

"What do you want Winston." I ask 

"Baby you know what I'm here for" 

"Get lost Winston. I know you may be too dumb to understand so let me break it down for you" he whistles at me smiling, god he's annoying. "You and I will n e v  e r happen and if you try to get with me again, I will get the cops involved. Out of nowhere he grabs my waist and pulls me in, leaving me in shock.

"You're a feisty one aren't ya." He grins and I lose it and slap him across the face. He let's go and I kick him in the balls before saying 

"Get lost Winston." I storm inside to talk to Mary. But by the time I get to her, it's too late. In shock she shows me her phone and my heart drops. It's a picture of Winston holding me and it's circulating all over the internet. All the comments calling me a cheater, a hoe, and unworthy of Cam. 

After I recover from the few seconds of shock after seeing the photo, I go to call Cam immediately. He doesn't pick up. I start to blow up his phone and panic. I text him we need to talk, it's not what it looks like. He doesn't answer anything. I leave a final message and put my phone down, hoping he is just busy and that's why he is not responding. I go to my room and I break down crying. I can't imagine a world without Cam. I cry and cry, hoping he responds and believes me.

Cameron POV: 

I can't believe Grace. I was in love with her, I thought she was the one. I can't believe she would betray me like this. I am so mad and hurt. I go and tell Nash about it. He is shocked too. He can't imagine Grace doing that and I can't either. But she has hurt me, and I never want to hear or see her again. 

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