Chapter 10

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Cameron POV

It's five years later and it's the day of our wedding. Grace is getting ready in the other room with Mary and her bridesmaids, I'm here with Nash and all my friends. I look in the mirror and think about how great life is right now.

Nash and Mary got engaged last night at our dress rehearsal. Last week, grace and I bought our new home together. Grace's uncle retired and she now owns his venue. I'm working on my acting and possibly getting my own show. And the biggest thing of all, I'm marrying the love of my life. I am in love with Grace. She makes my life complete, I can't imagine it without her. She's hilarious, kind, caring, and makes me the best me. To others she may have flaws but to me she is perfect. I can't believe I get to marry the girl of my dreams.

later at the ceremony, I can't help but tear up a little when I see her walk down the aisle with her father. We exchange our vows and I dos. I get to kiss my bride and the end and each kiss is better than the last. As I walk down the aisle with the best girl in hand, I can't stop smiling. I am truely the happiest man in the world.


Grace POV

tonight has been the best night of my life. I get to spend time with all my friends and family. I'm having the best time. I can't believe I am now Cam's wife. What did I do to deserve this. Tonight marks our new life together and I can't be happier. It's time for our first dance together and I wrap myself in him as we start to dance. I look upt in the same brown eyes I got lost in the day we first met.

"I love you Grace." He whispers and kisses me.

"I love you too, Cam." I rest my head against his chest and I close my eyes. I just smile and think about how life can't get any better as we sway together to the music:

🎶I have loved you since we were 18

Long before we both thought the same thing

To be loved and to be in love

All I could do is say that these arms were made for holding you

I wanna love like you made me feel

when we were 18🎶


Well guys, that's it! I hope you guys enjoyed the story, I definitely had fun writing this. I hope it tugged at your heart strings a little ;) thank you all for reading this and sticking with me, I wish you all the best of luck ❤️❤️

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