Chapter 3

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Cameron POV

We finish the meet and greets and we are done. We successfully finished tour. We all celebrate and hang in the dressing room until grace is ready to head over to the diner. I look down at my phone and see a text from grace that she's almost ready. We exchanged numbers earlier. I smiled. 

"Dude it's obvious you like grace." I hear Taylor say. I look up and see everyone's eyes on me. 

"Me?" I act surprised. Nash comes over to me and says, 

"Yes you. I see the way you look at her." I looked at the ground. "I think she likes you too." 

"Doubt it." I mumble.

"Trust me Cameron, she does." 

"What makes you so sure?" I look up at him. 

"Between me and you, I overheard her on the phone earlier talking to Mary. She told her how we were all coming and she emphasized your name." Suddenly I become really nervous. The butterflies start in my stomach. I can't help but smile a little. "When are you going to tell her?"

"Not yet. I just met her today she'll think I'm crazy." I look down and see she texted me to meet her in the front. "She's ready." We all got up and took our things outside to put on the bus. 

"Hey guys!" She says. I love her voice. I could listen to her talk for hours. "I can fit 4 in my car but i don't know where the rest of you will go." Long story short, Nash, Matt, and I went to the diner and the rest decided they wanted to just rest at the hotel. we all hop in grace's car and the boys push me to sit in the front with her. She turns on the radio and blasted some music, dancing and singing along. She's so cute. I need to make her mine. 

Grace POV

We pull up to the diner and we all get out. 

I open the door, "I see Mary I'll go in the back and get her." I go behind the counter and jump on her from behind. "Hey mar!" 

she turns around and smiles giving me a hug. "they're here." I say and point to them. I see Nash and Cameron walk over to us. I introduce the two of them and they start talking. Nash sits down at the counter. "I think they are hitting it off" I whisper to Cameron.

"I think so" he whispers back and we both walk over to the booth where the guys were sitting. We basically had to pry Mary and Nash away so she could take our orders. We eat and make small talk, laughing a lot. "I wish you guys weren't leaving tomorrow, I'm going to miss you all." All the boys look at Cameron like he hasn't told me something. 

"Actually tour is over so we are staying here for 2 weeks." He smiles. 

I jump up in my seat, "no way!! That's so cool!" Cameron puts his arm around me and squeezes me into a side hug. I feel a shock through my body. "where are you guys staying?" 

"A hotel not too far from hear, it's down the street." Matt says. 

"Awesome that's really close to our house." The night goes on and we all hang there until midnight. Mary says bye to Nash and they exchange numbers. I see Cameron and give him a little hug. "Don't forget to text us so we can hang. See ya cam!" I smile and walk out to my car. 

Cameron POV 

I love the way she said cam. Only a few close friends and my mom have ever called me that but the way she said it makes me feel special. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. 


Grace POV 

I get home and snuggle with buddy on the couch. Mary walks in the door. 

"Look at you girl! I saw you hitting it off with Nash." I winked.

"I know right we have so much in common I could talk to him for hours." She sits down next to me. "You and Cameron though, you guys are perfect for each other!" 

I blush a little, "Oh please like he would like me." 

"Are you kidding me, he adores you." 

"Ha! That's funny." 

" quit the sarcasm I'm serious! I was talking to Nash about it and he says he really likes you." 

I smile and look down at Buddy. I can't believe he said that! I say my good nights and go upstairs to my room. I get ready for bed and can't stop thinking about cam. I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

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