Chapter 9

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Grace POV

"psst psst" I slowly wake up to cam's voice, "wake up baby." I open my eyes to see cam standing over me with my fav roses.

"what are you doing?" I asked.

"follow me." He smiled. He grabs my hand and brings me over to to my desk. Lying there is a beautiful blue dress with some shoes and a note that says "see you at 8." Cam just winks and leaves without saying a word. what just happened? I take the roses and bring them downstairs to put them in a vase.

"Hey Gracie," Mary says as she takes some pancakes off the stove. "Are you excited for tonight?"

"How do you know?" I take one of her pancakes and put it on my plate.

"He told all of us. I think it's going to be a great night." She smiles and takes her coffee. "Nash is coming over so just send him upstairs." She walks up to her room. I just sit there eating my pancakes. What is happening. A couple minutes later the doorbell rings.

"It's open!" I yell. Nash walks in. "Oh hey Nash, Mary is upstairs."

"Ok thanks," he walks over to me. "Are you ready for tonight? Cam is really excited."

"You know about it too?!" He just shrugs and goes up to Mary. What is going on tonight?


Cameron POV

I pull up to Grace's house and ring the doorbell. Every time I go on a date with this girl it's like the first. I hear Mary yell I got it and she opens the door.

"She'll be right down, come inside." I walk in and wait by the stairs.

"I'll be right down." Grace yells. I see her at the top of the stairs and I can't help but smile. She's stunning, I can't look away.

"Wow. You look... wow." I stutter.

"you don't look half bad yourself." Grace winks and I open the door.

"Ok now you kids have fun." Mary says. Nash walks over and adds

"But not too much fun."

"I open the car door for Grace and roll my eyes. "Ok mom and dad." Grace laughs and we head to the pier.

"Same place we had our first date." She comments. I smile and we pull into a parking lot for our dinner reservations. We walk inside. "This place looks wonderful."

"Only the best for you." I kiss her forehead. We sit down and we have an amazing night. Great food, a lot of laughs, and a good time. We leave and I grab her hand as we walk over to the pier. As we stroll along we reminisce on all the good memories. "Remember the time you came to our hotel pool the day after we met?"

"I almost forgot about that! And you had to walk me home because Mary and Nash ran off." She laughs. "remember when you guys came over to our place for the first time?"

"How could I forget? Remember when we broke up?"

"I try not to." She squeezes my hand, "remember the day we met?"

I laugh. "I think those socks really drew me to you." I stop over by a familiar tree and grab her hands. "I think right here is my favorite memory."

"Our first kiss?"

"Yes. Although I fell in love with you a long time ago, this was where I knew you were the one. The one person I want to wake up to every morning. The one person I want to spend all my time with. The one person I want with me through the good and the bad." I see her start to tear up and I wipe away her tears and I grab her face. "The one person I want to be with for the rest of my life." I go down on one knee and I reach for my back pocket. I see her freeze up. "As much as I want to, I know we are too young to get married, so I'm giving you this promise ring and promising you that one day I will trade this in for an engagement ring." I put it on her finger and stand up. She grabs my face and crashes her lips onto mine.

"Oh Cam," she starts, " you were always the one. My one and only." I smile and hug her. My life now feels complete.

Grace POV

We are sitting in the car and Cam is steering with his left hand while I'm holding his right. I never want to let go. This is the best night of my life. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love Cam. We pull into my driveway and we head inside. The living room and kitchen is filled with all our friends. Mary, Nash, and all the guys. I hold up our hands to show them the ring and they all cheer.

"Gracie I'm so happy for you!!" Mary smiles and I hug her. All the guys come up to us to congratulate us. "I don't get what you see in him but congrats guys." Nash teases and I hug him. As the night goes on I fall asleep on cam while we sit on the couch, dreaming about our new life together.

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