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Stan had me up against wall in the back of the school. His left arm over my head as he leaned down and talked to me.

"So how have you been hun?" He said with a smirk.

" I-I ha-have been go-good." I could hardly speak as I avoided eye contact so he wouldn't be able to see the red running through my face.
Stan lifted my head with a smile.

" I love that stutter of yours." Stan said, as he slowly leand in closer.

I could feel his hot breath mixing in with the air I was breathing. It felt so good I practically melted into the wall.

but something was stopping me, as I moved my head to the side. Away from Stan's lips.

"what's wrong baby?" he said in a bit irritated voice.

I didn't know what was wrong. oh wait I do. How in the hell is a man like Stan going for me when he has gotten all of the ladies before. its like that one time he came over that he just changed and started going towards me instead of a hot hoe. It made me upset because it made no sense to me.

" I-I don't th-think that your ma-making the right choice into go-going out wi-with me."

his face got really tense when I said this.


"We-well... It do-doesn't make sense. after al-all this time of be-being friends... you ne-never seemed to no-notice m-me."

" I have always been interested in you. " Stan said quite bluntly. I was shocked by the quick respond.

" We-well prove it." I said kind of low, but still load enough for him to hear.


"Prove th-that you like m-me. You ha-have till the e-end of the tri-trimester" I don't know what I was doing. I guess I just really wanted to see if this guy wasn't just messing with me because he knew that I was gay. I feel weird also dating my best friend, but I... really like him.

Stan was hesitant.

" Okay big Bill. I'll prove myself. In return I want something from you. " Stan stood up straight and crossed his arms.

" And wh-what is that."

" a whole day that you have to do whatever I want." he smiled. it wasn't really a smirk, but more sweet which confused me even more. I could feel the red spread from one ear to the next.

" A-anything?" I said low voiced.

" Yes. Anything, and I'll make sure you like it also." he said with a wink.

Damn that wink.

" F-fine. It's a d-deal." I put my hand out towards him. he looked at it and connected his hand. instead of shaking my hand he pulled me in , and said in my ear.

" you'll fall for me sooner then the end of this trimester." and with that he pulled away, and left me there speechless.


So incase if you havent noticed I am going to be switching from a Richie and Eddie chapter to a Stan and Bill chapter once in a while. Hope you guys like it. Also just a heads up that I am not a writer and am not planing to be but I am just simply wrighting stories for the fun of it. i do not ship these characters in reall life, but i simply love there personalities on one another so might as well make a fanfic... I geuss

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