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What was Stan planning? That's all i could think about. I noticed that Richie and Eddie were getting along well because they kept laughing and giggling in the back of the classroom all throughout math. They sounded like two middle school girls. I rolled my eyes at them trying to pay attention to the Mr. Molly, but it was no use.

The bell rung and my next class was english with Stan.

I walked in and sat behind Stan. He turned around and made a goofy smile.

"Are you free this Friday night?" He asked resting his head on his hand.

"Ye-yeah... why?"

"Ok because we are going to go somewhere." He said with a smile. I stared at him, and before i could say anything else the bell rang, and he turned away to pay attention to the teacher.

All I could think about is where he was planing to take me. I still wanted to know his plan. I couldn't focused in class because I was happy and a bit nervous at the same time, but one sentence from the teacher pulled my attention back.


That one word makes the whole class look around for there buddies. One girl (who was very pretty) made full eye contact on Stan and looked like she was going to attack. The teacher let us go off to choose are partners and the girl stood up and yelled.


Stan turned and looked at her then shook his head. Then he did something that shocked me. He grabbed my hand and looked back down at his work sheet going over are project like nothing happened. The girl was disgusted and turned to her friend and motioned her to be partners with her.

I looked at are hands as Stan kept reading.

"Uumm... S-Stan? Are ha-hands." He looked up at me.

"So?" I rolled my eyes. He then turned all the way around with the paper in his free hand and put the project on are desk. I saw that we are supposed to do a book poster project.

"What book do you want to do. I think we should do fifty shades of gray. That would be fun to read together." Stan gave a smile. I rolled my eyes.

" you so-sound like R-Richie." I laughed.

"Well... I think we should do because of Wind Dixie."

"W-why that book?"

"Because i love yooou." Stan said smiling.

"Th-thats stupid." I said laughing. I stopped laughing as the bell rang and everyone started to leave class. I wouldn't see Stan till lunch in 4th hour, so I waved my goodbyes.


This chapter took longer because i couldn't decide on what to write! So sorry that its bad but i think i have a plan on where these boys will go!

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