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As the week went by I anxiously waited for friday to come. I did my normal routine. Went to classes then after school i went to go watch Stan work out in the gym. I also had to wait for him after school anyways because he was my ride home. I can't ride the bus because of my stutter and how much the kids made fun of it.

It was a Thursday and I'm in the gym waiting for Stan to finish his work out, as I went through work sheets.

Stan was in wrestling and football. Him, Richie, and Mike were the football stars of the school. Richie is the fastest runner, Mike is the best quarter back, and Stan can kick the ball farther then the moon. He is also a great offence player, but it seems that they haven't been getting noticed all that much sense Eddie has came in. Well Stan still gets attention. Richie is more of a loud mouth and its hard to take him serious. Mike is a mysterious, nice guy so the girls think its hard to approach him, and Stan... girls still croud around him. For instance, there a group of 4 girls looking at Stan across the bleachers from me. They giggle as they try to take pictures of him when he's not looking.

Stan was doing squats when i looked up. I've seen him do squats before but today he was facing the other side of the gym. Making me have a clear view of his butt. I guess he knew i was looking at him because he turned his head and winked at me. I blushed as i lowered my head into my work. I did a quick glance up, and saw him with a smerk on his face.


Stan unlocked his side of the car, as he slid in he unlocked my side from the inside. I got in closing the door making sure all of me was in the car, but then i felt a pair of hands on my face. Moving my head to the left slowly. I met eyes with the owner of the hands as Stan was inches away from my face. I could feel my face turn red, and the heat go to the top of my ears. Stan leaned in past my lips and to my ear as he whispered.

" your cute when you blush."

He then pulled back. Gave my lips a super quick peck, and started to turn the engine on. Leaving me sitting there a flustered mess again.


I woke up to the feeling of someone moving hair out of my face. I thought it would be my mom, just trying to wake me up in a nice way instead of my loud alarm, but when i opened my eyes i saw curly hair i knew all to well. My eyes busted open as i leaned myself on my elbow.

" wh-what the hell, S-Stan!" I managed to get out. He smiled widely.

"Did ya forget that i made plans Friday!" He said with joy. Of course i didn't forget! That's all that's been on my mind sense we made that stupid bet.
Wait... we have school today.

"We have sch-school."

"I called them and said we were going to be absent due to doctor appointments. Also i told your mother we had big plans and can't miss them. Sense your such a good student she said that it was fine, and that ya needed to get out more."
Gosh darn it mother.

He really had this planned out.

"How l-long have you been in mm-my room?" I said a bit curious.

"Sense 9." I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 11:47. How did i sleep in so late! Stan spoke up again.

"You know. You sleep really hard. You should take better care of your self." I didn't know what else to do but role my eyes and get out of bed. Even though deep down it made me feel good that he cared.

I didn't realise that i was only in my underwear and a oversized shirt when i got out of my bed, but Stan realised this. I realised when i heard a camera go off, and turned to him as he looked at the picture.

"Nice." He said smile at his achievement. My face got a little red as i rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to get ready.


We first went to my favorite cafe for lunch (because i slept though breakfast) and it was wonderful. Stan and i talked though whole time nothing felt awkward and i felt comfortable with him. He would tell really bad jokes and make me laugh so hard i would colse my eyes. Once i did hear the little click of the camra, but with all the fun i was having. I didnt care. He never once made fun of my stutter when i talked and always was ready for what i had to say next. The only couple thing we did was a quick peck he got in when i was getting out of my chair, and i just blushed as i put my head low and he laced are hands together as we walked out of the cafe.

Next we went to the indoor skating ring. I have never really been stating before, but i have always wanted to try it out. As i got on the rink i realised that it was easier then roller blading. Well yes i was still slipping and falling a little. My butt was sticking out as i kept my balance on the ice. Stan would skate up to me then go slower as he would then be skating behind me. And of course i heard the familiar sound of the camera click. He then skated back to my side.

" yo-you enjoy the vie-view?" I said laughing a bit. He smiled at my joy.

"Very much."

Stan went to go get me a hot chocolate as i kept skating. Getting slowly better at it.
A boy came up to me. He looked around the age of 17, and he stopped right infront of me. Making me stop. I looked at him as he leaned against the wall on the side of the rink.

"What's your name hun?" He asked leaning his head a bit closer to mine. I didn't like that he called me hun. It didn't sound as good then when Stan would say it.

"B-B-Bill." I said looking off for Stan.

"Oh, well hello~ i couldn't help but notice you skate, Your really good. You also look really good."

"T-thanks." I said kinda scared of what this kids trying to pull. I tried to skate away, but he grabbed me by the arm.

"Im not done talking with yo-" before he could finish his sentence, Stan came over and threw hot chocolate all over him.

"We're leaving." Stan said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the ice rink.

The car ride was silence. It was now starting to get dark and i thought we would be going home by now, but Stan had another plan.
He pulled into the quarry where the losers used to hang out all throughout middle school. He told me to close my eyes as i got out of the car. I did as he asked and shut them. I felt him grab my hand and lead me through the paths. We came to a stop. I could feel his head get closer to my ear as his breath hit my earlobe.

"Open." He whispered.

I opened my eyes and just about cried, as i saw what he has done. By the water there was a tent and candles going towards it. There also was lights all over the tent and a table with a covered meal on it. Stan put his hand in mine slowly and walked me to the table as he reviled the dinner.

Spaghetti. What a classic. I smiled and he gave a goofy grin knowing that i would think this was cheesy, but still love it. [And i did]
We ate for a little bit. We tried to do that spaghetti kiss thing but Stan ended up bitting down half way. I knew he was teasing me. So i gave him a quick peck just to say that we did it.

When dinner was done. He brought me to the tent. In there was even better then what it was outside. He had a whole bunch of comfy pillows and blankets all spread out on the floor. He then lead my into the comfyness by pulling me down with him. He had two sweatshirts and two pairs of sweat pants, and he helped me put mine on. (Which was less awkward then i thought it would be)
As soon as i was dressed i had a big fluffy blanket thrown over me, and a warm body pushed against me, as i felt two arms wrap around me to pull me closer. My eyelids felt heavy and the warmth was so over whelming there was no other choice beside to sleep. I squirmed just a little to get more comfy, and as soon as i found the right spot i took a deep breath out. Looking over at Stan and saw that he already seemed asleep.
I felt safe with him... and warm... and happy.

He felt like home.


Here is a long chapter for you. I had to put in a whole day for what I'm planing to do for the Reddie story.

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