Chapter 3: Hunting Trip

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I woke up a few hours later. It was still dark out but I could make out two figures. One was sleeping on a chair to my right, and the other was on the bed, holding my hand.

"Dean?" I croaked.

"Hey. You scared us."

"What happened?"

"You blacked out. Rick came and got us. I'm glad you're okay." He said, rubbing my hand.

Uncomfortable, I got loose from his grip and sat up. "What are you doing?" Dean questioned.

"I need to do something. I can't just lay down."

"Annie, you just healed that boy and drained yourself. You need to rest."

"No. I don't, but you do. Go to your tent. You see I'm fine." I said while standing up and getting my combat boots on.



He sighed as his hand brushed through his hair. "Be safe. Don't do anything stupid."

"Yes sir." I was almost to the door when Dean stopped me.

"Forgetting something?"


"A weapon? You heard what those people said about Amara's monsters." He then handed me my angel blade.

"Thank you. I'll see you in the morning. Get some sleep."

Dean nodded and went back to his chair. I turned around and went out the room. I tried to stay quiet while exiting the house and passing the tents, and I was so close to succeeding until I heard Daryl cough, trying to get my attention.

I turned to my right and saw him staring me down. "What?"

"What do ya thing you're doin?"


"What are ya really doin?"

I rolled my eyes and walked towards him. "Thought Id go hunting. Get everyone some breakfast."

He looked me up in down. "With what?"


"Ya have no gun. No arrows."

"I don't need them."

"Yea right."

"Well I don't care if you believe me. If you don't mind, I'm gonna get going."

I started to walk away when I felt a tug on my shoulder. I turned around and fought the instinct telling me to punch him square in the jaw. "No you're not."

"Excuse me?"

"Can't let ya wander by yourself. Don't trust ya."

"Thanks for the frankness but you don't control me."

"I'm goin with ya"

I frowned at him. I could just make him sleep and leave on my own, but I knew that would cause trouble. "Whatever. Let's go."

I could see he was surprised by my compliance, and to be honest I was too. I turned around and went into the forest, hearing his footsteps trail behind me.


We had been hunting for a while, but to no avail. It was like the animals knew we were hungry.

"I heard what ya did for Carl."


He didn't respond. "You don't talk much do you?" I asked.

Nothing, again.

Then we saw it. A beautiful deer just standing out there, eating grass. I saw Daryl aim his crossbow from the corner of my eye. I turned and got in between the crossbow and the deer.

"No" I whispered.


"Just wait here. I've got this."

I started walking towards the deer, and I could hear Daryl getting frustrated behind me. I was only 10 feet away, and then, it looked at me.

I put my hand out. "Shhh. It's okay." I got closer, and the deer stayed put, listening to me.

I was close enough to touch it, and I did. I felt it's soft fur, and I couldn't help but smile. There was still beauty on this earth. Then I heard it, Daryl's crossbow, but before the arrow could make contact with the deer I caught it with the hand that wasn't touching the deer.

Thankfully, the deer was still mesmerized, so it didn't react to Daryl's stupidity. Before that could change. I focused back on the deer and touched its forehead, killing it painlessly.

I then got up and looked at Daryl. "You're a dumbass." I yelled.

"Watch it angel."

"Annie! My name is Annie! And you! Ugh you had to shoot. You're so lucky I had everything under control."

"Oh ya mean the show ya pulled?"

"Excuse me?"

"Actin like fucking Snow White."

"I was giving it a peaceful death."

"Who fucking cares? It's a deer."

"It's a living creature."

"If ya can't handle the blood then stick to your harp."

"I don't play the harp. Im a warrior."

"Well act like it."

"Not everything has to be war! Not everything has to be bloody. Some things can be peaceful."

Before Daryl could reply, we heard a weird growling/groaning sound. I looked to my left and saw it. The decaying body that was limping towards us ever so slowly. As my eyes landed on the thing that was once human, I felt my heart break. Amara has won. She had really killed humanity.

"That's..." I let out, feeling the tears fill my eyes.

Daryl looked at me and for a second I thought I saw sympathy in his eyes. "I got it."

"No. Please." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. This time, he didn't fight. It's like he understood. I walked towards it. It's hands reaching out for me. I could feel the tears leave my eyes, and I swear I heard them land on the dead leaves below me.

When I got close enough, I kicked the monster right in the chest, and watched as it fell to the ground. I then placed my feet on its arms and bent down. It's eyes, what would hold ones thoughts, fears, feelings, held nothing but hunger. I touched its cheek and watched as it's eyes filled with light. It then stopped moving, stopped fighting, and the light faded.

I stood up, wiped my tears, and looked at Daryl, but Daryl was looking behind me. I turned around and saw the circle of blue light floating above the dead monster. It stayed there for a bit and then floated up to the sky.

"What was that?" I heard Daryl ask after a long pause.

"His soul. It went to heaven." I stared up at the night sky for a few minutes longer, at least until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "We should probably be gettin back." Daryl said.

I paused a bit before answering. "Yeah. We should."

I turned around and took a step forward, but I fell.

"Annie, are ya okay?" Daryl said, helping me up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe you should carry the deer."

He nodded, and put the deer on his shoulders. He led the way as we walked back to the farm.

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