Chapter 5: Shots Fired

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The whole time we walked, Rick and Shane refused to speak another word to each other. I didn't necessarily want to talk either being that Shane regarding me as a suspect in Daryl's non-existent murder. I instead spent the time walking praying to somebody, anybody that Daryl was alive. If he didn't come back, I was definitely going to find my head on the chopping block. I would hate to have to hurt any of these people, but I knew I would have to if they threatened me, Sam, or Dean. I knew if Daryl didn't come back, I would have to kill, and I was tired of killing.

I tried to keep those thoughts out of my head as Shane, Rick, and I arrived at the farm. I could see Sam and Dean running towards us, and the concern on their faces was extremely evident. "Annie, are you hurt?" Sam said as they got closer.

Dean immediately grabbed my arms and examined every inch of me, looking for any injuries. Rick looked at me and said, "You go put the horse back and get cleaned up. I'll see if Glenn or Dale will help us look for Daryl." I nodded at him, and then looked back at Dean who was still examining me.

"It's not my blood. I lost Daryl when we heard a lady's screams. When I found her... she was past saving..." I said, looking down a bit. Every time we lost someone, I was always the one who second guessed everything I did leading up to their death. Even when it was someone we didn't know personally, ever loss of life felt like a piece of my heart chipping away. I guess that's what really made me a honorary Winchester.

Dean put his hand on my cheek, slightly raising my head up for me. "It's not your fault, Annie. I'm sure you did everything you could." He said.

I looked to Rick who was now talking to his wife Lori, and they both kept glancing over at me every now and then. Shane was now sitting on a log near the campsite, sending me death glares.

"I have to get her back to the stables. Could one of you see if Maggie or Beth has any clothes I could borrow until I get these cleaned?" I asked Sam and Dean.

"I'll ask." Dean said, giving me a reassuring smile. He then immediately headed to the house, leaving Sam and I alone. I started walking towards the stables, and Sam followed me.

"So you're not going to say anything about it?" Sam asked. I sighed, knowing what he was referring to.

"Not right now." I replied, keeping my eyes on my destination.

"I'm not blind, Annie. I see how Dean is acting around you. I have an awful sense of deja vu." He whispered, as we walked past some people.

"I don't feel that way anymore." I sighed. Sam gently grabbed my arm and stopped me. The horse tugged slightly on the reins, clearly wanting to return to the stables.

"I know you don't Annie, but you need to get Dean on the same page as you or else... He's going to be heartbroken again." Sam warned.

I paused for a second, absorbing what Sam was telling me. "I am trying, Sam. I don't want a repeat of last time, but we all just lost Cas. I don't want him to feel like he's losing me too." 

We started walking again until we finally reached the stables. I took off the harness and brushed her before putting her back in her stall.

As we started to leave the stables, Sam spoke again. "I have been wanting to go back to Kansas. Check up on the bunker and see if we could stay there while we fix all of this." 

I didn't say anything. I was too busy thinking about how the people here still did not trust us. They would never allow us to just leave. "I know what you're thinking. They would never allow us to leave." Sam said. "But maybe if one of us stays here, as a sort of insurance, they'll let the other two of us go." I immediately stopped walking.

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