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Eric had woken up in the box. The box was going up.

"Hey! What's going on!?" Eric yelled.
"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Eric yelled for help.

The box had finally reached the end. The box opened. Until, there were five gladers.

"Who are you guys?" Eric asked.

"Were the gladers. You must be a greenie." said Minho.

Minho pulled Eric out. Eric fell. Eric looked everywhere. The maze was big and it looked endless.

"Guys, what are your names?" Eric asked. "I'm Minho, he's Thomas, she's Teresa, Alby and he's Newt."

"What's your name?" Thomas asked.

"I'm Eric. I'm a greenie." Eric replied.

Eric stood up quickly. Eric was staring at the box. Eric was a rookie. He never started training.

"This is the Maze. We are the remaining. But there are more gladers." said Newt.
"Hey, Eric. Follow me." said Minho.

Minho led Eric to the Map Room.


Minho pulled the blanket carefully.

"This is the Map. We can't find a exit quickly. The Maze has sections. There are many sections. Some gladers had discovered new places in the maze. That's why we put some thin woods to this table to show the places that we can arrive." said Minho.

"Did they discovered the exit?" Eric asked. "Are you serious!? They never saw the exit." Minho replied madly.

They walked out. Chuck accidentally bumped Eric and they both fell.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." said Eric.

"No, that's okay....." Chuck stared at Eric.
"Are you new?" Chuck asked.
"Yeah." Eric replied. "What's your name?" Chuck asked again.
"Eric." Eric replied.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Chuck by the way."

They were shaking their hands.
Eric kept looking for Minho.


Eric saw Minho.

"Hey! Minho!" Eric yelled.

"Bro, why are you here?" Minho asked.
"Can you give me some new clothes?" Eric asked.


Eric was fully dressed. Eric had a smile on his face.

"Thanks bro." said Eric.

Minho smirked.

"I'll give you a new house." said Minho.

Eric stared at Minho quickly.


Eric was given a hut. It was made out of wood. Eric went in to check his new house. He never got used to his new house. He looked everywhere at his house. Minho closed the door loudly.
Eric fell down to his bed. He felt drowsy.


Eric woke up at night. He over slept. He looked outside. It was very dark indeed.
Eric kept looking at the entrance of the Maze. He went closer to the Maze step by step. He stared upwards at the Maze.

"Hey!" Newt yelled.

Newt tackled Eric. Newt was like a football player.

"You won't go in there." said Newt.

Eric pushed Newt.

"Why can't I go in there, WHY!?" Eric asked.

"It's too dangerous for you to go inside there. You're not a runner." Newt replied.

Thomas came there to stop them.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! What's going on here?" Thomas asked.

"He tried to go inside." Newt relied to Thomas's question.

"Minho and Alby will train Eric tomorrow." said Thomas.

The Maze Runner Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now