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Eric wrote his name on the wall. He was a runner. He stepped back to see his name written on the wall. Eric smirked.
He was very proud.

"Experiencing your first time as a runner?" Newt asked. "Kinda."
"I gotta show you something." Newt said.

Newt had to give something to Eric. They went to Newt's hut.


Newt pulled out his old shoes. It was rusty.

"This is my old shoes, sorry if it's rusty." Newt gave his old shoes to Eric. Eric smirked. Eric had to take his shoes off.
Eric tried Newt's old shoes. He double-tied his shoes. Eric stood up and stared at his new shoes.

"I like it." said Eric.
"Yeah, I got this since I was in the box."

They went out. Fresh wind was blowing from everywhere, the sky was completely blue and the Maze was clear.
No Grievers coming out from the Maze, no Gladers are stuck inside.


Eric saw the word "W" He had to wipe it out. Eric was in the corner of the Maze. He kept wiping it until he saw the letter.


He kept wiping it for a several hour. He saw the word WICKED.

"Guys!" Eric yelled.

The Gladers came running to the right corner of the Maze. They stared at the logo of WICKED.

"WICK-ED." said Eric.
"WICKED almost took everything away from us." Minho said.

Eric saw the birds flying away. Eric heart a roaring sound coming from the Maze.

"Guys... I heard a roar..." Eric said.

The gate wasn't closing. Eric glanced.
The Griever was hunting for Gladers.
As the Griever saw Eric, it bolted.

"ERIC!" Thomas yelled his name.

They had to help Eric, Eric was struggling. Eric tried to run. He was going inside the Maze. His plan was to make the Griever stay inside the Maze.
Eric had to make a run for it.


"Guys, haven't you notice Eric!?" Teresa said. "No, why?" Minho asked. "He's missing!"

Eric had to dash rapidly. The gates started to close. Eric was still in there.


Eric saw the gates in front of him, closing. The Griever kept following him.
Eric had to dash rapidly. The gates were almost closing. Eric was running. The Griever was following him. The Griever can fit inside the gates. Eric had made it out. The Griever was stuck. The Griever was going to be squashed into pieces.

The gates closed and squashed the Griever.

"How did you learn to kill the Griever?" Teresa asked. Eric was quiet, he never replied to Teresa's question.

All of the Gladers stared at him, quietly.

The Maze Runner Imagines (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora