7: Final Escape

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The next day has arrived. The sun was rising up early. The Gladers had their gears equipped to their bodies. They had their weapon with them. They were prepared for the final escape. Gally decided to live inside the Maze.

"Gally, are you coming?" Teresa asked.
Gally shook his head.

"This is my home, I will stay here." Gally said.

The Gladers remained silent. They all stared at Gally.

"Are you sure?" Eric asked.

"Yes." Gally answered.

They all went inside the Maze. But the Grievers were still inside. The Gladers didn't care about Gally. Gally kept staring at them. They were running, except for Gally. Minho led the Gladers to the right way. Gally was all alone.

They didn't arrive at the first section.


They kept running. Until, they saw a Grieved gingerly climbing out. The Grieved roared. The Griever started chasing them.

"ATTACK!" Thomas yelled.

They used their weapons to attack the Griever. They fought the Griever. The Griever was struggling to fight the Gladers. The Gladers were strong enough. The Griever had to kill itself, by falling. The Gladers saw the section.

"Go! Go! Go!" Thomas yelled.

The gates were open. The Griever Hole was far away from them. They had to bolt away fast. No Grievers were chasing them. They were bolting.


They finally arrived at the Griever Hole, the final exit.

"Minho, the code is up to you." Eric said.

Minho stepped closer. The eight numbers were:
Minho was done typing the eight numbers. The exit opened. It was leading towards a room. They went in one by one.


They saw dead bodies everywhere. Blood and human organs were stuck in the floor. A video just played by itself.

"The flare was a infectious virus slowly creeping inside." Ava Paige was speaking. "The flare almost took everything away from you. Your mother, your brother, your sister and other more human beings. The flare destroyed the whole wide world. The cities and other countries. The remaining people in the Maze is a special hand being."

In the video, Ava Paige grabbed a gun and pointed it to her head. The background was having a riot. Ava Paige was about to pull the trigger.

"You are a very special human being, Eric." Ava Paige pulled the trigger. Her blood was shown in the video.

The Gladers stared at Eric. Eric felt bad.

"Guys... Let's get out." Thomas said.

Until, they were picked up by some sort of soldiers.

"Let me go!" Alby yelled.

They finally stepped outside. It was all covered up by sand. The city was destroyed. The Gladers were coughing.
The soldiers saved the Gladers by putting them in a helicopter.

"Don't worry, you guys are all safe." Said one of the soldiers.

The helicopter started to fly away. They were safe, one of them wasn't harmed. The other Gladers was saved by another helicopter. They looked outside. They saw the Maze. Gally was the remaining person.

Don't give up, Eric, just keep moving.

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