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It was morning, the sun was rising. Eric woke up. Eric went out to see Alby and Minho. Eric didn't see them. Thomas went closer to Eric.

"Hey, Eric, Minho and Alby left." said Thomas.

"Do you have any armour and weapons?" Eric asked.

Thomas nodded.


Thomas had to find a armour and a weapon to Eric. He kept looking. Thomas saw a armour. And he saw a weapon. He saw a spear. Thomas gave the armour and the spear to Eric.

Eric tried his armour. His armour fits well. Eric ran to the Maze quickly. Eric felt that he isn't a actual glader.


Eric saw Minho and Alby. He kept looking for forty-five minutes.

"Hey, Minho! Hey Alby!" Eric yelled.

Minho and Alby stared at Eric. They went closer to Eric as they saw his armour and weapon.

"Who gave you this armour?" Minho asked.

"Thomas." Eric replied.

They investigated the Maze. They only arrived at the same places. They never discovered section two. They only discovered section one.


They reached afternoon. They heard the entrance closing. They ran back to the entrance of the Maze. The Maze was carefully closing. They kept running. They saw the entrance closing. They were nearly there. They had to use the fastest run. Until, the entrance closed.

"Man! It's shut." said Alby.

"Dang it, Grievers must be coming out tonight." Minho said.

"Wait, what are Grievers?" Eric asked.
"They are some kinda spider kinda thingy, but! They are machines." Minho explained it.

"Eric, Minho, there's no time to chitchat, let's move." said Alby.

They kept looking, they thought that maybe the Grievers are going to chase them. They weren't sure. Eric had his spear with him. Minho and Alby were protecting him from the Grievers.

"I don't believe in Grievers." said Eric.

"Shut up!" said Minho.

Eric, Minho and Alby were stranded inside the Maze.


It was night time. The veins we're showing up. They were not safe. It was late. Suddenly, they heard a sound.

"What was that?" Alby asked.

"It's a Griever." Minho replied.

The Griever saw them. The Griever roared and chased them.

"RUN!" Eric yelled.

They ran away when the Griever saw them. They saw the long veins leading them to the top.

"Let's climb up!" said Eric.

Eric climbed up. Eric reached the top, it was Alby's turn to climb up. Alby climbed up. Eric reached his hand out. He was helping Alby. He reached Alby's hand. Eric pulled him roughly. Eric fell down when he pulled Alby. Eric was grabbing on a vein from the wall. The Griever was trying to sting Eric. Eric struggled to climb up. Until, Minho decided to distract the Griever.

"Hey! Come chase me!" Minho yelled.

The Griever was now chasing Minho. Minho stumbled. Minho needed to roll over. The Griever was trying to sting him.
Alby had to borrow Eric's spear.

"Eric! Eric!" Alby yelled quietly to Eric. Eric stared at him. "Can I borrow you spear?" Alby asked. "Sure." Eric reached his spear to Alby. Alby threw the spear.
The Griever was stabbed by the spear.
The Griever died. Minho stood up.

"Nice one! Alby! I can't forget you Eric!" said Minho.

Eric and Alby smirked.

The Maze Runner Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now