Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I roll over and shut it off and roll to the other side of the bed only to find cold sheets. I instantly get worried, where is she. I just start to listen, and the second I hear her heartbeat I calm down. I get up and head to the living room where the tv is on. I lean against the wall leading into the room and admire from afar. Upon further examination I see balled up tissues close to the bin. I realize why she's not in bed. I walk over to the couch and join her.

"It happened again, didn't it." I say as I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Yea, but it was worse this time. This time I was tied up and..." she begins, and I can hear her heartbeat start to speed up.

"Shh," I say to comfort her "you don't have to explain. It was only a dream" I finish as I squeeze her shoulders with my arm

"But it felt so real," Lena says wiping her eyes "you were right in front of me, and I could do nothing to stop it."

"Hey," I say turning to look her in the eyes "I am right here," I take her hand and place it on my chest where my heart is beating "feel that, strong and steady," Lena just nods "I am not going anywhere." Lena just looks and me, but I know that she is caught up in her own mind. She shifts herself, so she is on my lap, kind of like a baby, and snuggles up into my neck. "comfy?" she just nods

We stay like this until I hear her start to snore. I turn off the tv and carry her into our room. I lay with her until I see the sun start to come up and I know that Lena has to go into the office soon. I roll over to my nightstand and grab a pen and paper, and I write "I'm in the kitchen" on and place it on her nightstand.

I go to the kitchen and make breakfast, eggs, bacon, and a croissant with strawberry jelly on the side.

"What is all this for?" Lena says as she tries to wipe the sleep out of her eyes

"I figured after a long night that it would be nice to start your day off strong," I say walking over for a kiss "Did you already brush your teeth?"

Lena started to blush "Yea, I didn't want to have morning breath."

"You do realize that we are going to be married soon, and I want you to be you."

"And I will be me, just without the morning breath."

"so you are saying that you are going to keep this up, even when we are married?"

"that's the plan stan."

"You are a mess," I kiss her again "Mmm, but you are my mess."


I get up get dressed and to go to the bathroom and then the kitchen to start morning coffee. I walk back to the bedroom with two cups in hand, and the sight before me was almost too much for me to handle. Maggie's limbs spread out on the bed and a ring on her finger, the ring that allowed me to claim her as my most significant accomplishment. I placed her black coffee on the nightstand and kissed her on the forehead then I went into the living room and cleaned up the candles. When I was done, I walked back to the bedroom to see that Maggie hadn't moved a muscle. I looked over at the alarm clock and saw that she was going to be late for work if she didn't get up soon. I sat by her and moved a strand of hair from her face.

"Mags, come on babe you have to get up for work." still nothing, I lightly shake her and try again "Come on babe you need to get up, or you'll be late." Nothing. Just as I'm about to get up and get my phone my pulled back into bed and attacked with sleepy lips. Maggie had been faking it all along and pulled me on top of her.

I give in to her kisses until she starts to undress me. I pull away and try to catch my breath. "Babe, you have to be at the station in a half an hour." my eyes wander from head to toe and back, "And as much as I would like to continue, we have jobs defending this city."

"Mmm, I think that they can go a day without us, what if we called in sick?" Maggie said before sitting up and taking a sip of her coffee.

"That no a half bad idea. We could make a date out of it. Lunch at that place next to the park that you like."

"And we can have dinner at the place downtown that you like. What do you say, Danvers, a whole day to calibrate our engagement. We can even go to the jewelers and get you a ring."

"Sounds like a plan, I'll text J'onn, and we'll start our day," I say as I slowly lean back over her to continue what we started

"Why wouldn't you call him?"

"If I call him he will read my mind and know that I am lying."

"Okay, ill call work in an about a minute once we finish this," She says kissing me again. I pull apart again

"You might want to call them now because I don't plan on making this quick, I am going to make this last," I say as I slowly lower myself into her neck and begin to nibble on her ear.

At around lunchtime, we call it quits after our shower and head into the city.

Hand and hand we walked down the street to get lunch, and as we were walking to the jeweler, we see J'onn walking towards us "Shit that's not good."

"Alex, have you seen the news," John says completely serious

"No, what's wrong? Is Kara okay?" I say

"You better come with me," he says as he walks in the direction of the DEO building. "Detective Sawyer you can come too."

We speed walk to the DEO. Even with my persistent questioning, he answers nothing. The longer the silence is the guilter I feel for wanting to spend the day with my fiancee, and the worse I assume the situation is. As we keep walking Maggie tries to pull up the news to see what could be so urgent but nothing comes up. This could only mean it is minor and will be on the evening news later, or it means that it is so bad that the DEO has to cover it up and no one is getting any information.

As soon as we enter the main floor of the DEO Kara rolls by on a stretcher unconscious.

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