Ask, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19

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--- Question 7, to all girls ---

   What do you think of Game Theory's videos on how each of you are (supposedly) from a different game?

Natsuki: You mean a video game, this is the real world, so I'm not from a game!

Yuri: Natsuki right, we're not from game

Sayori: I really don't know how to feel about this.

Monika: Matpat, Game Theory? Please those guys, don't know what there talking about, pretty soon our game will be the next FNAF.

--- Question 8, to Monika

   There are a LOT of people that play as MC, so which one is your absolute favorite?

Monika: Mattpatty is my favorite

--- Question 9, to Natsuki ---

   How often do you go to the grocery store to get ingredients for your cupcakes, and how many people outside of the Literature Club do you share them with

Natsuki: I go to the grocery store to get ingredients about one a month.

Natsuki: I don't share my cupcakes out side the club!

Question 10, to Yuri (continuation of #4) ---

   What sort of fanfics are you most interested in? DDLC x Reader? Girl on girl action? Or something else entirely?

Yuri: What's DDLC?

Yuri: I was being sarcastic, I really don't like fanfics

--- Question 11, to Sayori and Monika (continuation of #5) ---

   Sayori, how are you still self-aware despite the choice to give up your position as President of the Literature Club?

   Monika, do you have an explanation as to how this works, and would it work on Natsuki and Yuri as well?

Sayori: Once you delete a club president the Vice President will become the president as you know.

Sayori: Even though, I was president for 7 minuets, it doesn't matter because I was the president once.

Monika: I don't have an explanation on how this works, it's just code that I can't fix, nor Sayori.

Monika: Sayori and I are trying to find away, so Natsuki and Yuri can be self aware, but nothings working right now, well keep trying though.

Question 12, just to Sayori ---

   If Monika hadn't interfered with your .chr file, would you still be as depressed as depicted in the story? If not, explain why."

Sayori: No I wouldn't have been badly depressed, if she didn't interfere

Sayori: I was going through the games script if Monika didn't mess with it, I would have ended up with the MC ( Note this thing about the script is made up by the writer, it's not in the game so don't go looking for it!)

Doki Doki Literature Club ask or dare *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now