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Hello everyone, long time. I think it's been three years or almost. Geez, time does fly by. Anyways, I'm here to answer some questions.

1. Will, there be a second book or prequel to Best Friends since Childhood/ will there be more DDLC books?
No, some people might remember that there was a second book a very long time ago. While writing that book I felt like I did not have a story to tell so I deleted it. Still, to this day there are no planned DDLC books in the works.

2. Will I continue the ask or dare.
No, my DDLC days are sadly over and have been for about two years. I'm very sorry if anyone is disappointed. People move on. I am very happy that I did experience DDLC when it first came out, but I have grown as a person I do not think it's appropriate for me to continue this ask or dare.

3. Can I use your model for my own DDLC ask or dare/ can I make another novel to Best Friends Since Childhood?
Yes, I have no problem with people expanding upon my ideas. I love to see other's work that I have inspired. The only thing I ask is for credit and for you to tag me so I can read it!

4. Will there be any more new stories moving forward.
Yes, throughout the time I have been away I came up with some new concepts that I would love to write about. None of these pieces are based on a fandom or another piece of media. These are all original concepts that have come from inspiration or stuff that has happened in my life. I am very aware that very young children are reading my work. The pieces that I will publish will not be child friendly, I'm very serious. These concepts are very dark, and not happy. Some of these stories will talk about manslaughter, depression, suicide, mental abuse, etc. I said before that some of these ideas came from my childhood.  My younger years were full of grief and misery I am much better now, but back then I was not. I have taken every bad event in my past and twisted it to make it more dark and evil. Some of these stories might have nothing to do with my past but will still be twisted. Most of these ideas will be short stories. For right now I'm going to give you the first four-story names. There will be more stories I just do not have names for them yet. Some of these may be posted today, I will update this book when the first story is published.
Virtual Mask
Mood Ring
One truth and One Lie
The Lion in the Rain

Thank you to everyone who commented, and liked this ask or dare I hope you all read my new original content!!

Doki Doki Literature Club ask or dare *COMPLETED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz