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"Y/N WAKE UP YOU'VE BEEN SLEEPING FOREVER!" You hear your younger sister scream through your door and you let out a sigh. You have been extremely tired since you picked a job up at the mall and on top of that you have been sad since your best friend moved. Using the energy you had you pushed yourself off of your bed and walk towards your balcony. You step out and breathe in, it looks nice this morning and the sun on your skin made you feel warm inside. You step back in and go to your bathroom to wash up. You brush your hair and put on a pair of shorts and a black tank top that says, "Bite me" and head downstairs. You enter the kitchen (aka your second room) and you are hit with the smell of maple you knew what that meant pancake time. You sit down and your younger sister comes into the kitchen "About time I've been ready to eat". How can you be ready to eat if your ass- "Y/n" your mom says  "You don't have to curse now calm down and get ready to eat" You do as you're told because you didnt want to start an argument and you highkey were hungry af. You guys are eating then your mom says,"Y/n take your sister down to the beach after you guys finish your breakfast you both could use some fresh air" You sigh, more like salty ass air you mumble. "What was that?" Your sister starts to giggle and you say oh nothing we are leaving now goodbye mom. You stand up and grab your sisters hand and she yells "But I havent finished my- but its too late you are dragging her out the door. You walk down the street towards the beach with a smile on your face but you wondered why tf were you smiling when you still were sad?

Ok so this is my first story I hope you guys like it and leave comments

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