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I'm sorry it's been forever I will start to update more~. All the guys were standing in place like statues everything seemed odd. No one said anything so you decided to break the silence. "Um, why were you guys just yelling? And why are you all looking as if you did something wrong?" They all looked at each other then Namjoon cleared his throat. "Well you know Tae and Jimin always bickering they just said a few inappropriate things and hoped you guys didn't hear." You starred at them both. "Well you guys need to stop arguing it's getting old," Syasya stated. You turn in disbelief you had never seen Syasya so angry. You agree and you and Syasya walk ahead of the guys. You were now ready to go so you reached in your pocket and called your mom. "Hey mom we are going to head towards the car we have gotten everything we need." You hang up and continue to walk. "Wait what about food?" You turn to see Tae pouting. "Should have thought about that before you wanted to argue in a public place." He sighs and looks off towards the side as you all head towards the exit. Jimin had not said a word since you and Syasya appeared,he had the same look he had the other night. You all arrived back at your house and for a few moments you all just sit there. "Well I hope you kids enjoyed today" your mom says with a weak smile. You could feel her watching you through the rear view and you just starred out the window. "Yes we had a great day me and the other guys will be on our way Thank you Y/n's mom" Namjoon said with a smile making his eyes crease. Everyone exited the car and parted. Jimin and Namjoon headed towards Jimin's place, Your mom and Syasya enter your home and you see Tae heading down the street slowly so you run to him. "Tae what's actually going on? You and Jimin argue all the time but there's something different this time something unusual" you say and look him directly in the eyes. You did this to see if you could read his expression. Though this intimidated you a bit you stood your ground. "Y/n everything is fine" he said with a bright smile but not his usual genuine smile. "I know something is off and the story Namjoon told is off. I heard Jimin say my name and yelling I think I deserve to know the truth." Tae's expression changes to an absent look as though his soul left his body. "Y/n if you really want to know something how about you go ask fucking Jimin then? He is the one you said you heard so why question me? Leave me out of it." You step back in shock. Tae had never talked to you like that and it made you upset yet furious. "What the hell is your problem? One second everything is fine then the next you are upset? Why are you flipping out on me? Obviously Jimin wasn't talking to himself and I thought we were friends?" Tae looks at the ground. " You're right I shouldn't have flipped on you but this day shouldn't have even happened, better yet I probably shouldn't have led you to believe we were friends I don't have friends." At this point you couldn't believe what you were hearing and you didn't even notice you had tears falling down your face. "Fuck you Tae" is all you managed to say before you turned and walked back towards your house. You walk through the front door and head up the stairs quickly before you could be seen. You walk into your room and Syasya is sitting at the edge of the bed texting. She looks up at you and runs to comfort you. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" She says while running circles in your back. "I'm honestly so stupid" you say and start to laugh through your tears. " I really thought I could make friends. Does everyone just stick around out of pity? Do you hate me like Tae does Syasya?" She immediately shakes her head no and hugs you. "Wait Tae said he hated you?" You wipe your face and sit on your bed. "No he just told me that he never was my friend." Syasya looks confused and shakes her head in disbelief. "Is he a fucking idiot? How can he say that as if he didn't ask you to skip class with him? I don't understand that kid or Jimin they have too many mood changes." You hadn't told Syasya what you heard so you decided to. "Wait so Jimin said your name and you asked Tae what really happened and he flipped? They are definitely hiding something and to make it seem like it's your fault was awful of Tae." Syasya was now pacing the room. "Come, we are going next door and finding out what the hell is going on." You shake your head. "I honestly just don't want to deal with anything right now I just lost someone who I thought was my friend I need time."  Syasya nods, "You're right I'm going to go talk to your mom for a bit to give you some time alone. Call me if you need anything." You smile and thank her before she disappears behind the door. You lay back and look up at your ceiling. After a few minutes you decide to retrieve your journal and go write but not outside tonight you didn't want to see Jimin right now. "Today was god awful and I wish I could go back and see where I went wrong. I lost a friend today and I don't even know what I did wrong. I don't even know why I try anymore, I can't make anyone happy. I feel like I have a pity party because I'm annoying. I think it's best I avoid everyone for a bit to clear my head. Hopefully Jimin will tell me the truth about today and Tae will be my friend. He really is different but I've enjoyed my times with him. I can't make it seem like I'm weak so I have to keep my head up for the time being. One day I hope that the guys can all get along like me and Syasya then we could truly have a great friendship~

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