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You had just got back to school and you are waiting outside in the front. After a few minutes Jimin shows up. "Bitey where were you? I was waiting for you before class started." You rub the back ok your neck."Well I left school because I wasnt feeling too good. I ran into Tae at the cafe down the street then I came back." For some reason Jimin looked uneasy but you thought it may be because he was worried."Well all that matters is your here now and you are ok" he says and smiles. You didnt want to admit that his smile made you feel a lot better about singing for him. You knew Jimin was nice so you tried to think positive. "Come with me Bitey I know a place where you can sing."Jimin grabs your hand and leads you to the back of the school. You had never been behind the school because you usually would go to work after school or home. He leads you to an area surrounded with a variety of flowers. It was really nice and you knew the gounds keeper kept the yard in good shape because the the bushes were trimmed and the grass was cut. There was a stone bench and a concrete path surrounded by the bushes and flowers."Jimin its beautiful back here how did you know about this?" You asked. "Well I have been coming out here for lunch since Ive been here with Namjoon and Ive been wanting to bring you here,nows the time." Hearing Jimin say that made you feel special. "So y/n what are you going to sing for me?" He says with smirk. You want to turn and runaway but you know you need to do this if you ever wanted to make it to the talent show. "I'm going to sing Close to you by Rihanna." Your heart is beating fast right now and you just want this to end. "Y/n dont be nervous I'm here for you." He was right and the fact he said your name made you know he was serious. He had only said your name once and it was when he really concerned for you.You smile and you stand infront of Jimin. You start to sing and you felt all your nerves leave and you feel full of joy. You continued and you couldnt tell what Jimin was thinking he was looking into your eyes. You finally finish the song and you look down at the ground. Suddenly you feel arms wrap around you. You look up and you see Jimin smiling at you. "That was amazing y/n your voice is light and beautiful." You smile because you knew he genuinely meant it."Can I ask why you chose this song to sing?" Jimin says. You froze for a minute "I really like this song is all" you say but you didnt know if that was true. You notice you guys are still embracing and you pull away. "We should head home" Jimin says and you nod. The walk home wasnt too long and you enjoyed the time you spent with Jimin. You both pointed out different vehicles as they road by and even greeted a few dogs walking by. You eventually got home and you tell Jimin goodbye. You head into your house and your parents were putting away grocery. "Hey dear how was your day?" Your dad ask. "It was great I found out a talent show is going to be held and I plan on joining." Your mom comes over to you and hugs you. "Thats amazing honey will you be singing? I just know everyone will love it." You smile and nod. You walk over and help your parents put the rest of the groceries away. "Oh crap I left my phone in Jimins bag I need to go get it" you tell your parents then proceed out of your front door.Before leaving the school you put it in Jimins bag because your bag was filled with junk.You knock on Jimins front door and wait. The door comes open and its Jimins father."Hello y/n come in" he says and moves aside to let you in. "I left my phone with Jimin I came to get it"you say. "Oh Jimin is in his room upstairs you can go up." You thank him and go upstairs to retrieve your phone. You didnt ask which room was Jimins but you heard something coming from a room down the hall. It sounded like a piano and you go towards the sound. The music was beautiful but then you hear a voice. It was angelic and breath taking. You crack the door and your eyes get big. "Jimin?"you say and he turns around and gives you the most busted look ever. All he could manage to say was ummm. You were shocked "Wow Jimin can sing? Why didnt he say anything?"

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