The Sleepover~

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You and Syasya had just walked in. Your mom was in the living room watching tv when she spotted you two."Oh hello you must be Syasya y/n has talked to me about you. Its nice to meet you and Im glad you came over to give y/n company." Syasya smiles at your mom, "Its no problem y/n is great." You tell Syasya to follow you and you both head upstairs. You open your room door and Syasya follows in. "Wow y/n you have a nice room and a lot of space." You looked around and smiled you were grateful for everything you had. After being sad for so long you had lost sight of the fact you were privileged. Things could be a lot worse,plus you have people by your side. "Thank you Syasya, you can sit your things down anywhere." She sat her belongings in the corner near your dresser. "You have a balcony? Thats so cool. Can I go out on it?" You nod and walk her outside on the balcony. "You can feel a breeze out here and its refreshing." You knew what she meant afterall besides your room your balcony was everything. You realized you were going to miss it all when you had to leave home. You were smiling but then you see Syasya waving. You look in the direction she is waving and you were shook."Wtf is that Jimin?" Syasya started to laugh,"Y/n you're acting like you never knew you could see him from here." You were just looking at Jimin and he was smiling at you both. "Thats because I didn't know" you wanted to run inside. Jimin was now waving at you and making a heart with both of his hands. You had to admit he looked really cute but you felt stupid. "How tf did I not notice that before? I guess my journal and nature take over when I step out here. Wait does that mean Jimin has seen me out here before?" You had so many questions but you decided to grab Syasya's hand and walk inside. "Thats enough Jimin for today, what would you like to do now?" You could tell she was thinking. "We could eat then I have something in mind." You weren't sure what she had in mind but eat was all that was on your mind. You and Syasya walk downstairs and you see your dad is in the kitchen cooking. "What's for dinner Pops?" Saying this always made you laugh and your dad as well. "I made steak,potatoes, and greens I probably should have asked before but is this fine Syasya?" She nodded. You both sat at the table and talked until your mom and sister joined you both. "Well everyone's here so lets eat" your dad says. You all are eating and Syasya compliments your dad on his cooking. You agreed the food was great and left you full. "Hey Y/n and Syasya how about you two take Jimin over a plate his parents aren't home right now and I'm sure he is hungry. He couldn't make it over from the studying he was doing." You rolled your eyes you knew he wasn't studying. "Sure y/n's parents we will" Syasya says and stands up. You highkey didn't want to see Jimin right now but you knew you had to make sure he ate. You wrap him up a plate and you and Syasya head for the door. You both step outside and head towards Jimins house and ring the bell. "Y/n lighten up" she says and nudges you. You smile weakly and sigh. Jimin opens the door and Syasya greets him. "Come in guys" he says and steps out the way. Before you can oppose Syasya walks in. You hear her shriek and you also step in. To your surprise you see Namjoon and Tae. "Damn they never went home? Well isn't this going to be fucking fun." You rolled your eyes and plopped down on the couch next to Tae, who also seemed uninterested. "Hey y/n how's the knee doing?" You just gave a thumbs up and slouched into the couch. Jimin had joined you all and you could feel him staring at you. You pretended to not notice and pulled your phone out. Syasya and Namjoon were hugged up on the couch and Jimin was now eating. Namjoon and Tae must also be hungry so you decided to go get them some food as well. You get up and head towards the front door and Jimin follows. "Where are you going y/n?" He calls out. "I'm going to get Namjoon and Tae some food" you say and walk towards your house at a fast pace. Jimin watched you go in and was there when you came back out. You were getting really annoyed at this point you just wanted to go back home with Syasya. You were envious that Namjoon was taking Syasya's time. You walk up to Jimin and blink you're eyes crazily at him to move. He must have got the message because he quickly opened the door for you. You walk in and hand Tae and Namjoon a plate and they start to eat. "Y/n can I talk to you for a second?" Syasya said. You nod and you both walk away from the guys,who were now trying to steal each others food. "The thing I wanted to do lets do it here with the guys." You were confused as to what she wanted to do but you wanted her to be happy. "Ok but what are we doing?" She smiled at you,"You'll see." You instantly regret agreeing to the idea. Both of you walk back where the guys are at and Syasya starts to talk. "Guys let's play Truth or Dare." The guys look at each other then smile and nod. You were the only one who didn't want to play from the looks of it. "I'll go first" Namjoon said. "Truth or Dare Syasya?" he said with a smile. "Truth" and she smiled back. "Is it true that you love me?" Everyone booed except for Syasya of course. She nodded and laughed. "That was mega fucking lame Namjoon" Tae said and was now laughing at Namjoon. "Well you do better then" Jimin said and ushered Tae to go next. He shook his head and Jimin decided to go. He smiled "Truth or Dare y/n?" You knew it was coming and you wanted to McDie. "Dare" you say and you would do anything to not get asked about your feelings or anything stupid. You saw a devilish grin come across his face. "I dare you strike a different pose everytime I flip the light switch on and off." You thought this was extremely stupid but got up to do your dare. He started to flick the lights on and off slowly and each time you striked silly poses. Everyone was laughing including you it was actually really fun. Time went on and after a few silly dares it was Tae's turn. "Truth or dare Jimin?" You all were waiting for his response. "Truth" he says. You noticed Tae had a look on his face as if he had a serious question to ask. "Jimin is it true you're in love with someone?" Everything got entirely quiet and everyone was looking at Jimin but you. You finally looked up and you saw Jimin look like he never had before. He looked shocked and confused. You could tell he was uncomfortable with the question so you spoke up "Tae you could have kept it funny getting personal is lame" and you push his shoulder. The others agreed and you guys started a convo. Jimin was still shaken up a bit by the question but you could see him try to calm down. You wondered why Tae would even ask that question but most importantly you wondered if Jimin actually loved someone.

(Side note: These songs are random songs I like they aren't for the theme of the chapters lol)

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