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(Im going to be more descriptive bare with me.)
A few weeks had passed now and you
were getting used to seeing Jimin
everyday. Over the past weeks you
and Jimin have been going to the
beach with your younger sibling to
collect seashells and share stories
about each others past.Your parents
thought it would be a good idea for
you guys to do a beach clean up since
it was basically your second home.
You guys were standing at your door
looking each other up and down. The
clean up required you guys to wear an orange vest that resembled a
crosswalker and sneakers. Your
bottom was up to you but you all still
looked ridiculous."These vest are ugly
af and itchy" your sister complained.
"I know but we are giving back to the
beach thats all that matters" you say
proudly."Look who's being positive
today" Jimin said with a laugh. You
rolled your eyes "Let's just go guys"
and you all head down the street. For
some reason it felt ten times hotter
today and you could see Jimins hair
stick to his forehead."I think these
vest are attracting heat" your sister
says. You nod in agreement. You all
reach the service building located
across from the beach. You never
have entered it because you thought it was pointless to have it up until today. "Hello we are volunteers for the
beach clean up" Jimin says to a guy
who looked to be around our age. He
wasnt wearing a vest just a white T-
shirt and hideous green and red
shorts. His hair was brown and he
had a nose mole."Hello Im Taehyung
but you can just call me Tae. Im going
to be showing you guys what you will
be doing today and if you need me to
sign volunteer hours after let me
know." You looked puzzled "Um, you
can sign volunteer hours? I thought
only adults could do that" you say and instantly regret because he is glaring
at you. He stops glaring and
smiles"Well when your dad runs the
building you can do anything do you
want the hours or nah?" You just nod
and look away because he was
intimidating. "Ok Ill be right back
with your equipment." He turns and
walks down the hall. "What the hell is
his problem staring at me like he
wanted me dead? It was just a
question."Jimin shrugs and your sister isnt even paying attention she is on
her phone. A few moments later Tae
walks back in "Here you guys go" and
he proceeds to hand you all a black
trash bag and stick. "Little one you
will be picking trash up around the
bushes, Dude you will be picking up
trash around the beach, and Curious
George you will be picking up trash at
the edge of the shore." You quickly
snap your head at him"Did you just
call me Curious fucking George?" You
say and Jimin and your sister can
barely contain their laughs. Tae is
now smiling "Yeah since you like to ask questions you have no business
asking." You were pissed you wanted
to put your foot up his ass. "Dude dont call her that" you hear Jimin say and
you smile."Her name is Bitey not
George."Your sister starts to laugh and so does Tae. The smile on your face
was wiped away instantly. "Whatever
screw you all" you say and head out
towards the beach.Jimin runs to catch up with you."C'mon you know I was
playing" he says and smiles. You give
him a blank face and continue
walking."Ok go to your areas" Tae
called out. You were happy you wanted to get away from Jimin and Tae you knew it wasnt that serious but it still bothered you. You were by the shore picking up all the trash and so far you came across a dozen soda food wrappers,a few cans,and random scrap paper."Y/n Im going to need to to go into the water a bit and make sure there is no trash just floating" Tae shouted. You looked in his direction."Are you serious? The tide is coming in." He smiled evily "You'll live go ahead its just baby waves." Your sister walked by and snickered "You said giving back is all that matters." You rolled your eyes and went into the water."You have to go further than that now" you hear Tae yell out."Well dammit Im trying."As you get further the water starts getting high on your waist and it was extremely cold. You were shivering so you quickly scanned the area and saw no more trash. You get of the water still shaking and sit on the sand for a second. "Whats wrong with you?" Tae says from behind you. "Oh nothing just trying to freeze you know nothing out of the ordinary." He laughed and helped you up "You guys are done now you did great work." You head to meet the others and toss out the trash you all collected. "Here you guys go your signed hours thank you for all the help comeback whenever." You all smile and take the hours. "Well I guess it was worth it and the beach looks a lot better."You all start walking home but none of you talk to each other. You were still upset, your sister was just ready to get out of the vest, and Jimin, well you didnt know about him but he was being too quiet. You guys approach your houses and Jimin just walks into his house without saying goodbye. "Look what you did you hurt Jimins feelings you meanie" your sister said."I hurt his feelings? Whatever him and Tae thought it was funny to talk about me."She shook her head at you "They were just joking gosh you can never take a joke no wonder you have no friends Jimin just wants to be your friend." The fact she said you had no friends made you feel like it was all your fault. She saw that she upset you and tried to apologize but you just held your hand up and walked away. You went straight upstairs to your room and locked the door like you always do. You took off all your dirty clothing and went into your bathroom to shower. While you were in the shower you started thinking. "I think my sister is right,I already have no friends and Jimin has been putting up with me ever since he has been here. He has listened to me talk about my aspirations, given me advice for school and work, and has kept me company that I hadnt had in so long. Yeah he may be annoying at times,but thats what friends do. He has opened up to me about his insecurites which I dont understand,because I think he is perfect. But you know you have your own insecurites like my  freckles, which Jimin always complimented. I know I messed up Im a terrible person I want to make it up to him I have to." You got out of your shower and wrapped your dark blue towel around you and exit the bathroom. You head over to your pearl colored dresser and open the top drawer. You reach in and grab your black laced bra and panties and head to you closet with glass handles and collect a red shirt and grey sweatpants. You put your clothing on and put your hair into a top bun. You look into your mirror that had seashells you,your sister,and Jimin collected over the weeks glued on the border. You smiled and headed out your room and down the stairs. You slip on your moms slippers and head out.You walk next door and knock on the door and breathe in and out you were nervous but you needed to make things right with your friend.

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