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(Ok so this is Jimins pov for now) "Jimin make sure everything is set for your first day of class tomorrow" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. "Yes ma'am" I shout back. I was finally alone in my room. Today was a long day but a good day. I already had a friend well, I think y/n is my friend she may have snapped at me a bit but I can tell she is a nice person. Plus her mom said she had been upset because of a friend. I knew how that felt because I left all of my friends when I moved here. I sigh and lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. "Today was interesting" I say out loud not realizing it. I run my hands through my hair and get lost in thoughts."I wonder how school will be for me hopefully I fit in and make new friends." I started thinking about y/n. "I wonder why she was embarassed by her freckles today? They make her unique they are like little stars that kiss her skin." I laugh when I thought back at all the times she got embarassed today."I wonder if she thinks I didnt see her staring at me today she isnt slick." My eyes start to feel heavy and I drift off to sleep.

(Y/n pov)
Your alarm goes off making you fall out if your bed and on to the hard floor."Why am I like this?" you say out loud. "Why are you talking to yourself? Get up and get ready so we can actually leave on time today." Your sister says. She kicks you in your booty and then walks out."That didnt hurt ass" you yell. "Of course it didnt hurt you I bet you cant feel anything." She shouts through the door. She was right in a way you had a high pain tolerance. You get up and go shower.You didnt know how you wanted to do your hair but since it was still straight you decided to go with a top bun and leave some hair down. You brush your teeth and put on your uniform and shoes. You make sure you do your makeup before you leave(you made that mistake yesterday.) You grab your bag and head downstairs. "Honey you should grab something to eat before I take you and your sister to school" your dad says. "You aint gotta tell me twice" you say and run to the kitchen to get a poptart. You guys are now in the car heading to school you hope today would be decent you had work after school and you didnt want to stress out all day.

(Jimins pov)
"Are you ready for your first day of school Jimin?"your mom calls out. "Yes I am" I say and smile. "Thats good remember to make good choices" my dad says as he reads his morning paper."Ok well lets go"my mom says and grabs her car keys and purse. You were looking out the window it seemed so bright out considering it was really early. Moments later I pulled up to a large school that looked like an old catholic school and got out of the car."Ill pick you up after school today have a great day love." I wave and enter the school and find the front office quickly."Hello Im Jimin Park Im a new student" I tell the lady behind the desk. "Ah yes I have your schedule Ill take you to your first class." I follow the lady down the hall and I couldnt help but see a few students looking at me. I catch two girls looking at me whispering to each other and smiling."Heres your class Jimin have a great day." I enter and take an empty desk the class period goes by and I was lost in thought "Well just great, I dont know my way around the school so Im going to be lost looking for my next class FUCK." I sigh and a tall guy with silver hair approaches me "Hey my name is Namjoon are you new here?" I stand up "Uh yeah Im new can you show me to my next class Namjoon?" He looks at my schedule "Oh we have the same class you are going to love it there." He laughs and we both exit towards your next class. "This namjoon kid seems nice maybe we will be good friends."

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