Chapter 4

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Pandora's P.O.V

I look up from the cage and see the heels of Amanda. I see her begin to speak and I have trouble understanding her until the end, "... if you need me to help you with anything I will because I know your not like the others.." before she can finish though I pass out from dehydration.

*Time Skip a few days*
* triggering things*
I'm in the cage with Harley and she's sleeping. I see her acrobatic ribbons and make a decision to end it all. I climb the cage until I get to the ropes then tie them around me until they're tight. I slowly let my self slip off the bars and begin hanging. I fee my self slipping away into oblivion but at I fade I hear a voice shout " GET HER THE FUCK DOWN" it sounds familiar but I'm to far gone to think right now. I fade away into the peace of sweet darkness and hopefully death.

Amanda's P.O.V

           I am walking to see my favorite member and her sister but when I get there it seems to quiet for a cage Harley's in. I look up and see Pandora hanging there and almost unconscious. I yell to the other guards there, "GET HER THE FUCK DOWN" they rush to release the ropes and they get them undone and she falls to the mat(tpat) I placed there for her. We get her I the infirmary and help her. After a few hours she wakes up but it's to groggy to realize anything. I assign her a new cell which is next to Floyd aka Deadshot. He seems concerned for the young girl. I may hate him but I don't her so I hope he makes sure she's okay. I whisper to him and her, "I have to leave now but I'll be back to see her and check up on her tomorrow, please take care of her." After I say this I walk away and go home.

Floyd's P.O.V

        I was trying to sleep peacefully when I hear they empty cell next to mine being opened. I get up and look through the bars to see who it is and notice it's the young girl from yesterday, what the hell is she doing here? I see Amanda with her and grow more intrigued. I finally realize she's out cold and her neck is red. I get ready to ask if they did this when Amanda whispers for me to take care of her. I silently agree because this kid reminds me of my little girl.

* time skip to her waking up the next day*

       She wakes up and looks to be in pain. I call out to her , " Hey kid take it easy, you looked pretty beat up yesterday, speaking of what happened to you?" She's silent for a while but I hear a tiny, raspy whisper come from her, " why didn't just let me fucking die?" I realize what happened now. I quietly comfort her because I can tell she doesn't want to talk. I hear her sobs and I begin humming a lullaby I used to sing to Zoe. She calls down and hums along with me. I smile and let her finish it. I begin speaking, " do you feel better now hun?" She responds, "I do thank you ..... what's your name in sorry I didn't ask before how rude of me?" "The names Floyd and don't worry you were worked up it's all okay" I respond to her. " My names Pandora, I was moved here because I tried hanging my self with my sister Harley's acrobatic ribbons" she gets quiet near the end. I stay silent for a moment and begin speaking getting ready to help her, " If you tell me what happened to drive you to that point I will promise to protect you and help you no matter what". She seems shocked but seems to agree, "  Well it started by me going with Harley and the Joker on their date night and going home with them, Batman caught us and brought me and Harley in, they questioned me but because I never did anything bad except steal food on occasion they had no viable reason to hold me except for 'precautions' (cue eye roll), they put me and Harley in a cage and Griggs watched us change, he decided he wanted more from me and almost everyday would rape and beat me, and at first I would fight back but then he began to say things like " you deserve it" and I believed I did so I stopped fighting. Harley got angry and began to ignore me but I thought it was what I deserved, then one day they came and got me for the 'audition' and Griggs saw my powers and did the worst he's ever done on me that night because he said I was a freak. As I was passing out I saw Amanda came to see me and talked to me, I was too weak to respond. They put me back in the cage with Harley and that morning I decided I had to end the pain, I guess Amanda found me and brought me. There's more to my past but my throat hurts from talking so much so that's for another time." I will fucking kill hat son of a bitch for what he did to this kid. For now I guess I'll just keep true to my words and protect her no matter what.
A/N: Hey guys, so it's been a few months. I'm so sorry but I got busy with school and family drama so I had 0 time to post. I also got some authors block, but yesterday after my chemistry final I got it a note book and wrote a story board so I can update faster. I will most likely finish or almost finish the story by the end of winter break. Love you all and I'm so sorry for not updating sooner.
~ Molly le author

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