chapter 5

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In the morning....rapmon was the one who wakes up first..he let jihyo sleep longer because he know jihyo always woke up late.he take a light bath and made a breakfast for both of them. When he was done preparing their food, he goes to the room and found out jihyo is still sleeping quietly.
Rapmon:jihyo yaaaaaa..

Jihyo opened Her eyes slowly..
Jihyo:oppa?? What time is it??
Rapmon:98 pm🌚🌚
Jihyo:What???oh im sorry for sleeping that long
Rapmon:actually it was 9 am🌚🌚😂😂
Jihyo:oppa!!!! 😈😈
Rapmon:mianhae😘*kiss Her nose* go wash up i made a breakfast already.
Jihyo:who told you to kiss me without my permission??? 😣
Rapmon :Okayy.. Sorry2.. Now wash up or you want me to help you😎
Jihyo:no thanks..

Then jihyo run fastly to the washroom to wash up. After she finished, she direct to the dining room to EAT and found out rapmon is waiting for Her.
Jihyo:lets EAT😊
Rapmon:Okayy babe😘😘😘

Just then they hear a door bell.
Jihyo:oh!! They must be Here😍😍
Jihyo:not a human. Its my clothes😍💋

Jihyo opened the door and talked to the sender. Then rapmon saw 10 box and it say from paris.
Jihyo:you all may leave. I can handel this😉
Sender:Okayy..*bow to jihyo and rapmon*
Rapmon:What are you going to do with this piled clothes???
Jihyo:wear it😑😑😑
I hope the girls can come early with the boys.
Rapmon:and who???
Jihyo:twice and bts😑😑
Rapmon:ouhh.. There they are.!!! Ouhh i miss my maknae..
Jihyo:you must be missing them right?? Im Here has been never helpful then.
Rapmon:ouhh.. No babe. I just miss to hang out with them. But with you its different. You know that i love you right😘😘
Jihyo:stop that kiss.. They are almost Here. Lets tidy up the food on the table.
Rapmon:im not gonna move until i got a kiss😙😙
Jihyo:alright *kiss on rapmon mouth fastly
Rapmon:that's my babe😆

Jihyo just leave namjoon there and directly went to the kitchen to tidy up all the food.then a doorbell ringed so many we all know how cheeky are the bangtwice.

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