Mike Pt. 2

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Eyes still shut, and the obnoxious beeping of a heart meter. Perfect.
Opening your eyes was definitely a challenge. It was as if someone was holding their hand over them and forcing them shut.
Your body was completely still, but something was moving underneath you. It was taking you somewhere.
Where it was taking you- sadly, there was no answer for you.

The feeling of hands on your back gave you a start, but your body never moved. It remained as stiff as a post, and your eyes remained closed. Hearing the heart meter speed up, a panic set in making it beep faster.
There was a strange cacophony of voices followed by clammy feeling fingers forcing your eyelids open.
Bright light flooded your pupils, causing you to become fully conscious.
Groaning, you swatted aimlessly at the light. The light disappeared and your vision was spotted with yellow and blue every time you blinked where the light was.
There was a voice talking to you and feeling your mouth move and very muffled sound coming out of it.
Not long after the words finished their way out of your mouth, you drifted away again.
(Floated away.)

You slapped your leg as you deemed the task of prying your hospital bracelet off impossible. Nurses, and medical assistants walked past quickly, all dressed in their uniforms. Maybe they weren't walking as fast as you thought. Maybe you were just walking too slow. Walking past a reception desk, you lowered your head trying to avoid being seen by the woman sitting in the swivel chair speaking on the phone. No patients were supposed to be outside of their rooms.

But, given that you'd been shut up in your room for a week in a boring hospital with no sense of entertainment whatsoever, a little exploring wouldn't hurt.

About an hour and a half of exploring- and avoiding faculty left and right- you found yourself looking into patients rooms looking for Mike. He was nowhere to be found.

Part three soon...

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