Richie Request

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"Hey, Kate!" She turned around, her tied red hair swooping with her. "Yeah?" "Are you going to the party after school?" her friend Max asked her. "I heard about it. Where is it?" Max pointed to the old, carpeted floor. "Here, at around... nine o'clock." Kate tilted her head. "Is the school hosting it?" Max pursed her lips. "That's the thing. That's why it's so late. All of the students are going to be partying on the football field."
Her mouth was in an 'o' shape. "Um, who's gonna be there?"
"Too many to know. I do know that our party is going. And I know Richie and the rest of the Losers are gonna be there." She nodded. "Good to know. I have no way to get there." "Oh, my step-brother and I can pick you up." Kate nodded. "Alright, see you at eight-thirty?" Max nodded. "Alright. See ya."

She grabbed the rest of her things, stuffing them into her backpack as dozens of kids walked past them. Everyone seemed overly talkative today Probably because of the party. Her only question was how all these kids were going to sneak out all at once without any of the parents catching on. She could probably say she was going to just relax in the backyard for the rest of the night and then just leave, but god knows what would happen once they realized she was gone. Then all hell would break loose. Half of the kids at school would go missing in a twenty-four radius. 

She shook her head as she went down the stairs, heading to her bus, trying to tune out of the loud chatter. She walked out the front gates, waiting for the bus to pull up onto the ramp. It was always late. Other students on her bus starting grouping with her not long after. One kid came up to her, half yelling in her face. "Hey, are you going to the party?!" She clenched her teeth. "Yeah, you know it." The kid whipped and then ran away, sort of screaming after that, attracting the attention of multiple students. One of the teachers watched him run and looked at her. Making eye contact, the teacher began to walk towards her. She sighed heavily. Shit, she thought. 

"Do you know anything about this "party?" she asked sternly. The kids around her went quiet, their talking down to a dull whisper. "Sorry, no idea," she said with a small smirk. The teacher put her hands on her hips. "Well, you're the third student to say that. I don't believe you." Kate shrugged. "Can't help you. Maybe you're asking the wrong people." Kate looked past her head to see their bus pull up on the ramp. "Oh! My bus is here. Sorry I couldn't help!" She walked past the teacher, the crowd of students following her, some pat her on the back, others said thanks for not snitching. She shrugged it off and boarded the bus, wanting to go home.


Kate tapped her foot anxiously as she sat outside, waiting for her hair to dry. She changed clothes and was now wearing a basic tank top and blue shorts that were a bit higher than her usual knee-high shorts. She sat on a hammock tied to a tree in her backyard, waiting for her chance to leave.

A few birds in the trees whistled as the sun began to set, and she knew that it would be dark by the time she left. She waited for about ten minutes, loathing that she didn't put on bug spray before she went to the front yard. She ducked under windows to make sure they couldn't see her and waited in the driveway.

A few minutes of waiting in dim light, jumping at every noise, she heard loud music at the end of the street. She leaned forward a little bit to see and saw a blue car turning down the street, swerving a lot. It slowed down in front of the house and she saw only Max inside. 

"Wh- Where's your brother!?" Her hands gripped the steering even harder. "He said no, so I took matters into my own hands. Get in!" Kate rushed over to the passenger side and slammed the door. Max's foot hit the gas and she sped down the street, making a sharp left at the next turn and made her way back up the other street.

"So, why did you steal your brother's car!?" she yelled over the air whooshing in the windows, the engine, and the music. "Step-brother! And he's a major douchebag! He said no, so once he went into his room, I took the car keys and got the hell out of there!" Kate held onto her hair to keep it from getting in her face. "He's gonna kill you, you know that right!?" "Wouldn't be the first time! Let's get to that party!"


Max made a shaky turn into a parking lot across from the school. She parked away from the street lights and they crossed the street, already hearing the shouting from the school. They walked down a long road to get to the back of the school. They climbed over the fence to get to the field and saw dozens upon dozens of kids with flashlights, candy, boomboxes, cigarettes- all kinds of stuff.

"Well," Max said, "this looks like it'll be fun." Kate nodded and looked around the field. "You see the Losers anywhere?" She did the same. "Umm... over.... there," she said pointing. "How could you tell?" Max shrugged. "Dustin always wears that hat. You know he and Hanlon are best friends." They started walked over before the group started screaming and they saw two people get up and leave.

"Hey!" Max shouted when they got closer. "Where are they going?" "Oh, Ben and Bev?" He smirked. "Don't worry about it. Us, on the other hand, we're playing Truth or Dare. Wanna play?"
Kate looked at Max and smiled. "Why not?"
"Hey, Kate," Bill said. She waved and sat down between him and Lucas.
Kate sat down between Stan and Eddie, who shyly waved at her.

"Alright, now that you guys are here," Mike said, "the real fun can start." "Real fun?" Max asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah! Mostly everyone has said truth. Only Ben, Bev, and Stan have done a dare. I know Richie would have done ome, but he's not-" "Hello, hello, hello!"

Everyone turned to see a familiar wavy-haired glass wearing boy, sauntering over, his hands in his pockets. The group gave a series of greetings. "I'm late, but here I am!" He took a seat where what would have been between Ben and Bev, but they were still gone. He sat between Lucas and Dustin.

"Great. The infamous jokester is here," Will dragged out. "You know it," he winked. "Now, I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some Truth or Dare!" he said rubbing his hands together. "Alright, calm down, Rich. I'll let you pick a dare if they want one" Mike said as he spun an empty glass coke bottle.

It landed on Stan which earned a sigh from him and a collection of 'oohs' from the others. "What do you want from me now?" he groaned, looking at the sky. "I don't know Stan the Man," Richie started. "There's a lot, and I mean a lot someone could want from you." Stan rolled his eyes. "Shut up and give me a dare. I'm slowly forgetting why I wanted to come out here."

"Ok, ok. I dare you to.... to..... kiss the new girl!" he said pointing at Kate. She put her hands up in surrender. "Oh, no, no, no. That is not happening." "Oh, yes it is," Richie said, grinning. Stan looked at Kate, his face one hundred percent done. "He won't stop until we do it. I just want this to end."
She bit her lip as she listened to Richie cheer, "kiss, kiss, kiss!" over and over again.

"Fine," she groaned. Richie cheered as she and Stan leaned towards each other, connecting their lips. It was the quickest kiss of her life, and she was glad it was over before it started.

Richie giddily clapped his hands together. "Stan finally got some," he cooed. Stan grabbed the bottle and threw it at Richie, which hit him sharply in the chest. "Ow!" "Well, since you're being a dick, you can kiss the new girl too," Stan said, crossing his arms.

"Really! I'll do it then!" he huffed. "Let's see you do it then," Stan remarked, crossing his arms. Dustin snornted, earning stares from Will and Lucas. "He won't do it," Max joked. "T-too t-t-true," Bill replied. The group quietly chuckled as Richie glanced around him, almost nervously.

"C'mere then," he said crooking a finger at her. She didn't budge. "Nope," she retorted, crossing her arms. She was actually trying exceptionally hard not to freak out into a blushing mess. She'd liked Richie for a while, but never actually introduced herself yet. Now was not a good introduction.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He crawled on all fours towards her. She leaned backwards slightly before he pushed her forwards from the back of her neck and kissed her.

The only thing she was a quiet, "oh shit," from Dustin before her brain turned to a fuzz.

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