Mike Request for @-honeys

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It was another cold day in Hawkins, and the fact that the high school's central heating system had broken, the day was worse. Many of the students had spent the day huddling together, lending jackets to one another, or just plain leaving early.
Then after dismissal, it got worse.

"Why don't you just leave us alone, Troy? Don't you have other things to do?"

"I did what I needed to do already. But from what I see, there's no freak here to save you this time." A few of his friends laugh, encouraging him to keep going. They were all honestly the worst.

"Come on, Troy," Y/N pleaded. "Just this once- go home. Just go home. Hang out with Steve if you want. Just leave us alone."

He laughed. "Like that's happening."

"Take him," he said, tilting his head towards Mike. One grabbed Mike from behind, his shirt scrunched up in his hands as another one grabbed Y/N so they couldn't get away.

"Hold him still!" Troy shouted as he held up his uninjured hand, ready to punch Mike.


He turned back to Y/N. "Oh, that's why I'm here!" He turned and threw a hard hit to Mike's nose. "You think I didn't know about your little feelings!" He struck him again in the bottom of the chin, making Mike's head fly up. There was already blood on most of his face because of his nose.

Y/N was screaming the entire time, at some point shutting her eyes because she couldn't bare to keep watching. Her eyes burned with tears and her skin crawled.

By the time they were finished with Mike, he was an absolute wreck. There was blood running from his nose to past his neck, staining his shirt. The blood was already turning dark by the time they left.

Anyone could look at him and tell he was in agony. Being as frail as he was and then having someone as strong as Troy let loose on you was definitely going to hurt.
When she knew they were gone Y/N rushed over to Mike, making absolutely sure that there was nothing broken and that he wasn't losing too much blood. He was still breathing so that was good.

The walk back to her house was slowed drastically because it hurt too much for him. Every time he cried out in pain, she nearly burst into tears. She internally promised to get Troy back for this and that she would make certain that he would go back to his normal self.

When they got to her house, it was hard to get her house key out of her backpack because of Mike leaning on her shoulder, but she eventually got there. 

She led him into her room and sat him down in a chair before disappearing into another room to find some newspaper and change of clothes.
When she came back with an armful of old newspapers, she lay them on the floor so he wouldn't get blood on the carpet. She fished through her closet and found some large sweatpants for him and a Hawkins Middle sweatshirt from years ago that she regrets buying. It was a pain to get him undressed and then dressed again.
She carefully sat him on the floor and pulled the first-aid kit out that she got from the kitchen.

There wasn't much she could do since she wasn't an expert, but she didn't want to put the burden of hospital bills on anybody. She turned on the radio, hoping that the music would take his mind off of the pain. She practically had to douse him in hydrogen peroxide and alcohol, which was a roller coaster. The most she could do was cover most of his cuts with band-aids and gauze. She grimaced at his wincing whenever she touched a wound.

"Sorry about that, Mike."
He didn't say anything, and her heart fell. 
Did Troy and his friends really beat him up that good, or did she do something to piss him off?



"Are you okay? And I don't mean physically, because that's obviously a no, but I mean are you alright in the head?"

"What do you mean?" he mumbled, his eyes closed. Most likely slightly swelled, too.

"You're a little...... off? I'm not sure how to put it."

"Well, I did just get beaten up, Y/N," he said as he put a cold compress under his chin. "I'm not going to be doing much for a while. Pretty sure that bitch punched me in the ribs too."

"Ouch. You think it's bruised?"

"Probably," he said in his quiet voice. It's been like that ever since Troy left. "It hurts to breathe."

She took a deep breath and lifted his shirt up. It didn't even look like skin underneath.
It was yellow, purple, and what looked like slight sea green. He hit close to a vein.

She grabbed the cold compress and shoved on the bruise. He bit his hand and tried to hold back a few tears, which made her feel really bad, but she had to.

"Stay here," she said as she got up. "I'm gonna go get some medicine."
All he did was groan in response as she left.

She went through a cabinet in the kitchen and eventually some Ibuprofen. She thought it would be the best thing right now. She took two out of the bottle and a glass of water and went back to her room.

He was still on the floor, holding the compress under his shirt, shallow breaths leaving his lungs.


"Pills. Perfect," he said as she handed him the glass. He took a sip, and she handed him the pills. The pills were gone in two seconds as he tossed them back.

"Come here," Y/N said as she offered her hand to him. He took it and she looped her arm under his, pulling him up as gently as possible. She led him to her queen size bed, moving a few stuffed animals out of the way with one hand, and slowly lowering him onto it.

She started messing with his feet before he stopped her. "Hold up, hold up. What are you doing?"

She looked at his shoes, her face portraying disgust.
"You are not laying on my bed with those on your feet," she said pointing at his dirt covered Keds.


She pulled off his shoes and socks, nearly throwing up and washed her hands immediately after.
When she came back she changed the radio station. It just happened to be playing a love song for some reason, but she kept it there.

It was I Just Called to Say I Love You by Stevie Wonder. Stevie Wonder at the time was all the rage and she never understood why.
She stripped off her shoes and socks as well before laying on the bed with Mike.

"What about your parents?" he asked.

"My dad won't be here until next week."

"And your mom?"

She went quiet for a second, not really wanting to answer.


"My mom has several jobs."


"I actually haven't seen her for three or four days."

He stifled a laugh as he cringed in pain. "That shouldn't be funny, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I try not to laugh when I say it too."

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