Chapter 32 // Post

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Kylie's POV

A few days passed and I haven't talked to Jack since. I got a post notification from jackaverymusic. I hesitated to open it. My heart stopped in betrayal. This is what I saw:

 This is what I saw:

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Missed this cutie 😝

Tagged: aspenloeffler

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I wanted to kill someone. I didn't know how to feel. I placed my phone next to my bed leaving it on. I didn't feel sad. Just angry. I started to get a headache. Next thing I knew, I was on the floor.

Jenna's POV

I heard a loud thud upstairs (bc I'm fat aha and I make thuds with each step I take anyways back to the story) i went upstairs to see what it was. I looked into Kylie's room and I see her pale and lying on the floor. I quickly run to her. I see her phone open to a picture. It was if Jack and Aspen. I got angry and went downstairs to get her a glass of water. After about an hour of treating her I asked her what happened.

Jenna: What happened?

Her eyes filled with tears and she burst out into my shoulder. I let her let it out as I was rubbing her back.

Jenna: I'll go beat his ass now.

I tried to get up but she grabbed my arm.

Jenna: Ugh you're so stubborn.

Jack's POV

I coincidentally got a text from Aspen.

•text convo•

Aspen: Hey Jacky 😘

Jack: Hey Aspen

Aspen: Come over I miss you 😉

Jack: K

Aspen: Alright see you soon 😊

Jack: Yup

•text convo end•

I made my way over to Aspen's house. Hopefully this will get my mind off of some things. I reached her house and she came over and hugged me.

We hung out for most of the day. Then I decided to post about this. I don't know why. This will definitely cause a lot of drama, but I didn't think about that:

 This will definitely cause a lot of drama, but I didn't think about that:

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Missed this cutie 😝

Tagged: aspenloeffler

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I regretted posting that the second I hit the button. It was took late. For the rest of the day my mind was clear. I thought nothing about Kylie or how she would feel about the photo. I was "okay" for once.

Kylie's POV

I calmed down a big and my phone buzzed. It was a text from aSpEn. I clenched my fist and grabbed my phone.

•text convo•

Aspen: Aww What happened? Did your daddy leave you for me? Oh what a shame 😊. Too bad. He's happy with me now. And he left you alone in the dirt. Have fun xo

Kylie: I'm happy for him thank you very much. I could care less. Now if you'll exqueeze me I have some business to take care of.

Aspen: Hmm. Enjoy being alone. 🤗

•text convo end•

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. Then I went outside into my backyard and sat by the pool. I looked at my reflection in the water. My eyes were red and my makeup was smeared all over my face. I looked like I was drunk. I sat there for a while and then went back inside. I was depressed for the whole day. What is happening to me. Everything seemed to go so smoothly and great. Things change.


Okay idk what happened but I lost like the last chunk of the chapter and I was so confused but. Yeah. Sorry. And thx Jenna for helping me with ideas ❤️.

Bai Felicia


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