Chapter 38 // That Idiot

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Still Jack's POV

We all passed out of the couch that night. I woke up the next morning and Jonah was the only one awake.

Jack: Good morning Jonah

Jonah: Morning.

Jack: how are things with you and Jenna?

Jonah: Couldn't be better. I'm so happy.

Jack: Good. You guys are perfect for each other. I mean like you can't get your eyes off of her. Ha

Jonah: Hey Shut up bro. At least I know how to keep her happy.

Jonah: Shit. I didn't say that. Forget about that.

Jack: oooo. DID MA BOI SM-


Jack: Okay. Hehehe.

Jonah: I don't think I can go with you guys today.

Jack: Why what's up?

Jonah: I don't know I don't feel that good.

Jack: Okay bro. It's fine.

Jonah: You guys go have fun.

Jack: We will bro. Get better.

I went over to the rest of the sleepy boys and slapped pillows in their faces.

Zach: Owww What was that for.

Jack: Get up ya lazy heads.

Eventually everyone got up and got ready for the day. We were going to spend the day just as a band. Corbyn opened the door.

Jack: Get well soon Jo.

Jonah: Thanks. Don't do anything stupid.

Jack: Ha Okay bud.

We got into the van and drove off to our first destination.

Jenna's POV

The next morning I decided to tell Kylie about what happened with me and Jonah.

Jenna: Kylie. I need to tell you something.

Kylie: What's up.

Jenna: It's- Uh- about me and Jonah.

Kylie: OOF Tell

Jenna: Ok-Okay. So um. You don't know about this. Obviously. But um- something happened.

Kylie: Like-what?

Jenna: Well. Things got a liiitle heated. and-

Kylie: By Little How Little Do you mean?

I took a deep breath. I was extremely nervous.

Jenna: I took a test.

Kylie: Jenna a test for what? Drugs?

Jenna: No Kylie. A pregnancy test.

I looked and saw how her eyes widened. A tear slipped out of my eye.

Kylie: Wh- what did it say?

I pulled the test out and showed it to her. She covered her mouth with her hand. She didn't say anything and stomped to the door.

Jenna: Kylie? What are you doing?

Kylie: Come with me.

Jenna: But whe-

She grabbed my hand and we went inside her car. She drove fast down the streets and to the wdw house. She angrily got out of the car and pounded on the door. Jonah answered. I was so confused as to what the hell she was going to do.

Jonah's POV

A few minutes after the boys left I sat down on the couch and rethought What happened between me and Jenna. I started to get worried. What if she got pre-

I heard a harsh knock on the door. My stomach dropped. I slowly made my way to the door. I opened it and got interrupted by a slap.

Kylie's POV

Jenna showed me the test. It read positive. I was so mad at Jonah. I can't believe he would do that do such a young girl. I couldn't think about anything. I got up and grabbed my stuff.

Jenna: Kylie? What are you doing?

Kylie: Come with me.

Jenna: But whe-

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my car. I drove off to the boys house. I knocked on the door and Jonah opened it. I took my hand and slapped him across the face.

Jonah: What the hell Kylie.


Jonah: Well you see when 2 peo-

Kylie: That's not what I meant.

He took a deep breath and looked away.

Jonah: I'm sorry.

Kylie: I can't believe you. You go and get an innocent young girl pregnant! JUST LIKE THAT. And you don't even care. Wow.

Jonah: Plea-

Kylie: No. I'm leaving bye.

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