Chapter 2

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"Can you believe the nerve of that KoGuRai?" TsuYa complained to his rhawn as he secured the reigns to a sturdy branch on the nearest tree.

The frustration in the young man's voice and the sharpness of his tone would have set any lesser mount on edge. But this dark dappled rhawn was Steadfast, the colt of Certainty, who had been the legendary steed of ZenToYa himself. Much to his name's credit, Steadfast was quite used to his owner's tirades and daily grumblings, and merely flicked an ear in response before turning to graze.

"Some help you are," TsuYa snorted through his nose as he pulled his practice weapon from the packs on the rhawn's back. Despite his gruff words, he patted his steed's flank and made sure all was well before heading towards the silence of the waiting Host Gate.

Silence was the one thing that helped him keep his temper in check, especially on days like this, when he had more than enough of the Council's nonsense. He was especially sick of one member in particular — his long-time rival, KoGuRai.

He's got it coming to him. If it wasn't for SoYa, I would have already...

TsuYa let the practice blade whistle and slice the air, venting his frustration on the watching nothingness. Windmilling his arms, he relished the feel of stretching muscles and the control of the weight of the weapon in his fists. Then, with one measured stroke, he lashed out at the shoddy practice dummy that he had set up only days before, sweeping what passed as the bouldered head from the lop-sided body.

How'd you like that? Huh?

TsuYa named the sad creation KoGuRai, in honor of the source of his frustrations. There were, of course, fitting parallels between the two — mostly because it was a dummy, and also because of the rock-hard noggin. Though TsuYa was a stark realist and rarely gave thought to fantasies, there was something immensely satisfying about imagining KoGuRai's shocked face in the place of the dummy's boulder-head.

If Dad was still here, he'd take KoGuRai out back and teach him a thing or two.

However, TsuYa's father, ZenToYa, was not there anymore. Neither was KoGuRai's father, JinRai. And that's where the problems in Nefol, and TsuYa's life, began.

No one was certain how Nefol lost two of its founding leaders within so short a span. All anyone could confirm was that JinRai went on an expedition to the Outterlands and didn't return. When Father went to search for his old friend, he didn't come back either. The message returned saying that ZenToYa was slain during battle with the people of the Spiral.

The stories came back in jumbled pieces from every side. Many things didn't add up, but it was so hard to sort fact from fiction when TsuYa wasn't there to see things for himself.

Something just doesn't feel right about this. And I bet it all has to do with KoGuRai.

TsuYa lifted the boulder in both hands, placing it back on top of the dummy shoulders with a grumble. The only other thing that was certain was how the whole Council had fallen apart without the Founders there to guide the city. It was almost as bad as the old stories where clan bickered with clan over primal hunting grounds. Just more political. And stupid.

Father would have a fit if he knew what this has become. But what I can do?

With KoGuRai and his lapdogs constantly trying to thwart SoYa's succession to become the next High Guide of Nefol, it had quickly become the Rais against the Yas. While some said that SoYa's timid nature was not fit to be the next leader, TsuYa had every intention to fight and protect his brother's birthright from the wolves waiting in the shadows.

Another crack resounded as his practice weapon sent the boulder rolling, this time straight into the mouth of the Host Gate. TsuYa paused, looking uncertain. Though he came to the Host Gate often, it was only to practice and get away from the mess of the city. Something about the place always made him feel closer to his father, somehow – probably because his fondest memories often revolved around this place.

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