Chapter 6

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SoYa made his way double-time down the streets of Nefol. His green eyes watched warily over one shoulder as he rounded a corner.

Nefol. It had been SoYa's home since he could remember. It was the first city of its kind, a civilization founded on hard work, courage and legendary skill. In Nefol, the magic arts first began to flourish and the knowledge of the arcane was offered to those who wished to learn secret truths. It was also there that fierce and powerful warriors were trained under the watchful hand of the mighty High Guide of Nefol – his father, ZenToYa.

For the first time in the history of the Inner Realms, people came to live, work and learn in an established city. When ZenToYa came to the Gatherings of old carrying the knowledge and strength of the Dreigiau with him, he turned society upside down.

In a land where cities had never existed, buildings now rose proudly, lining the streets of Nefol. Everything there revolved around the School and the structure that represented the ever-reaching ambitions of the Nefolians — the majestic tower known as the Spire. Even now, SoYa could see the shadow of the Spire stretching across his path as it presided tall and unwavering over them all.

Only, things haven't been so good here, ever since father died.

Aunt SaRa would never say it outright. That father was dead. She always persisted in saying that he vanished or left. But everyone knew the truth – the Council proclaimed him dead. He had fallen in a valiant battle against enemies from the outside lands, and was remembered as a hero to the people he once led.

I wish he was here. He would know what to do.

In the shadow of his memory, ZenToYa had left two young sons. SoYa was the eldest, the one that was meant to follow in the footsteps of the mighty hero and become the next High Guide. It was no secret that the Council wasn't too thrilled about the succession. Driven to greed by the lack of true leadership, more than one member sought to control Nefol for their own.

All that SoYa could do was keep his head down to ensure that he was not the target of that avarice. Still, he could sense when the Council held their meetings that it would only be a matter of time before they found a way to gain the power that they sought, even at his expense.

And now with what AsaHi has done, she will be caught up in it, too.

Since his talk with Aunt SaRa, SoYa felt a foreboding weight wherever he went, as if something dark and distant was watching his every move. From time to time, he could hear it – a whisper in the shadows. As much as he tried to ignore it or pass it off as imagination, it was only getting clearer. He swore he just heard it from a shadowy alley a few roads over... and this time, it called his name. Spooked, he made his way quickly to the closest place he knew to go. Somewhere that he wouldn't be alone.

I'm sure Tsu won't mind if I drop in.

TsuYa. The younger of the two brothers, and by far the more level-headed. If there was anyone that the Council saw as a strong potential leader for Nefol, it was surely the younger brother, rather than the elder. Strangely enough, TsuYa never made a move to take up that claim. Instead, he always defended SoYa, even protected him, from the Council's scorn. Though he was tough and hardened by the loss of both mother and father at an early age, there was a true concern in the stern light of TsuYa's eyes.

Still, I've been going to him for advice far too much lately. Who is supposed to be the oldest one here?

SoYa paused in front of the worn compound door. Before he could lift his hand to knock, the door opened. A hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, dragging him in.

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