Chapter 18

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SoYa sat next to the communication stone, waiting in a shroud of nervous anticipation. He didn't know exactly what the stone was, only that it was something that his father used to contact people – namely NaDoTu. Likely, it was a creation of the strange scientist, something that they set up in the far recesses of the Host Gate's back cave during times when Father and his friends had to work together across great distances.

Though SoYa never used the device on his own, he'd seen his father activate it many times. He also knew that NaDo didn't always answer right away. Sometimes Father had to wait for a return message, just as SoYa did now.

I hope Master NaDo is still there. It's been so long since anyone's heard from him.

SoYa was never quite sure how NaDo became a part of the Nefolian Founders. He was younger than both Father and JinRai and hailed from one of the unusual Tinker clans from the south. His people were known for their eccentric love of mechanical things, and NaDo was no exception. It was through his wit and knowledge that magic and technology were fused to create structures such as the great Nefolian Spire.

Though he was once best friends with Father, NaDo disappeared shortly after Father's death. SoYa always thought that it was due to grief and loss of both of NaDo's friends. However, the fact that the Arweinydd Zeni indicated that NaDo had important knowledge made the Apprentice curious if something more actually happened.

There's nothing I can do now but sit and wait. I'll give it a day, and if I don't hear from him, I suppose I'll have to return to Nefol and find a different way to approach this.

The Host Gate was strangely quiet with all Arweinydd presence missing from the vacant halls. The evening wore on, carrying SoYa along the fringe of a doze, until a crackling sound and calling voice jolted him awake. The communication stone lit the chamber in an electric luminance, pulsing to life with its own internal light.

"Hello!" SoYa jumped up, rushing across the room. He placed his palm against the flat of the stone, as if it could help the connection somehow.

"Zento? Zento is that you?" the distant, familiar voice asked. The faint outline of a figure reflected in the stone, growing more focused.

"Master NaDo?" SoYa inquired, squinting as the other man's features flickered and solidified.

"Oh! Oh dear. You're not Zento," the man replied, as if to himself. One finger pushed the pair of eye lenses up on his nose, his mouth stretching into a thin line that would have been comical in any other situation. "SoYa? Is that you, boy?"

"Yes! Yes, it's me!" the Apprentice answered, leaning forward in excitement. "I'm so glad you answered! Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. Nothing to worry about," NaDo assured him, seeming a bit confused.

"It's been so long since we've seen you. Where have you been all this time?" SoYa asked, more out of genuine concern than really trying to pry.

"I've been on a job outside of the Inner Realms," he answered, his face reflecting hesitation and uncertainty, as if he wasn't sure he should be discussing these things. Just as quickly, he attempted to change the subject, "And you? How are you and your brother?"

"Not so good," SoYa looked down.

"Oh?" NaDo frowned. "What's going on?"

"Well, that's sort of what I needed to discuss with you," the Apprentice answered. "I was told to find you... that you'd know the truth. She said that you could tell me about the Awakening."

The scientist froze, green eyes widening a bit behind the lenses, "She? She who? Where did you hear that from?"

"It was Lord Zemi's sister. She told me to find you," SoYa answered.

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