Chapter 5- The horror begins

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Rain. Rain is what woke me from my sleep. I swept my soggy hair over my shoulder and looked around. We were there. Todd had left me a  note saying that he had ventured inside. I sighed and climbed out. I walked across the decades old sand and went in. What i saw was pretty creepy. An old desk in a corner. A corridor that was hidden by darkness. An old sign. A few wires were dangling from the ceiling. A few old hidden cameras were dotted around. But what really scared me were the paw prints that looked fresh through the dust. Through the darkened corridor there was a storage room. There was something about it that put me off... It seemed sad, almost as if there was some kind of creature in the dark that was lonely and sad. I shrugged it off and continued to look around. Turning my back on it was possibly the worst thing i did. Imediatley i felt something grasp onto my shoulder. I let out a welp of suprise. It didnt feel human, more cartoonish like. Dare i turn around. What i saw must of been a halucination, but as i was soon to find out, it was not a halucination. It had a blue face and large white ears, its eyes were black with white pupils and it was smiling, smiling as if it was enjoying itself. The thing that grabbed on my shoulder was a black glove, and its body was white with blue shorts and boots. I shoved the thing of my shoulder and realised it was around up to my waist. 

"Why did you do that? Go away please!" I shouted at it.

"Well... thats not very nice." It said. It's voice was deep, but it definately sounded like mickey mouse, which it kind of resembled.

"Well, what you just did wasn't very nice either." I retorted.'

The thing stopped smiling. Its eyebrows furrowd. I swear i heard it growl. Then it leaped. I prepared for it to hit me but it didn't come. I didn't quite see it, but, (according to Todd) a black 'Thing' pushed the mouse out of the way and saved me from a bruised eye. I didn't see the 'black thing' but as soon as i realised what had just happened, it sped off, leaving pawprints in the dust.

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