Chapter 6-The meat freezer

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I stood there in disbelief for a moment, the mouse seemed knocked out. I kicked it then dragged it into a corner.

"What was that?" Todd asked me, the same expression i had on.

"I dunno..."

I grabbed my bag which was bulging with stuff and went to find the best place to sleep. I cleared the desk and put down my bag and emptied it. Todd did the same. We put all the food (there was LOADS) and clothes on the floor. 

"I'll sleep on the floor" Todd said, laying down a big blanket which had little penguins on it. I ignored him, and put Winston on the desk chair, where i was sleeping. 

"Wanna look around?" Todd asked, pulling on a fox jumper (a hood with fox ears on it and fox fur pattern on it).

"Sure" i replied, taking my cap (saying OwO what's this?) I pulled out my flashlight and followed Todd. First we went to a freezer. There was meat hooks hanging from chains from the ceiling, so Todd assumed that was were they kept meat. I licked my lips at the thought of chicken, beef, lamb, pork chop, rabbit... and human... I shivered at the thought then shrugged it off. It was pretty dark, so my flashlight was blinding, peircing through the darkness. Then my flashlight rolled over something pretty creepy. A head. A fursuit head. A Goofy head. From the cartoons. One of the mascot heads that could of been used. There was no body, but there were large prints in the dust. Then i swear, i honestly swear i saw it's eyes move. Move! That was my sign to turn around and leave. I turned and ran, ran until i reached the desk and i flumped myself down into the chair and sat there breathing heavily.

"Hannah, whats wrong?" He asked

"The eyes.... They moved..." I replied, still out of breath.

"Hannah, they didnt move, they... couldn't of." I saw the fear that glinted in his eyes, and i could tell by his voice, there was a hint that he was reassuring himself more than me.

"Lets... lets look somewhere else..." I said, not letting on that i heard the hint in his voice and the fear in his eyes. Thats when i heard it. Thats when i heard the voice.

"God? God?"

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