Chapter 8-The rabbit

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We stared there for a couple of moments. The thing blinked, i guess it was trying to either reconise us or get used to the light. Its fur was dark grey, almost black. Its long curved rabbit were grey too, but its fur was a tiny bit thinner. One ear was floppy and had a large tear in it, but the other was pointed towards the ceiling. Its white eyes were glowing brightly, its muzzle was fluffy with a small black shiny nose. I gasped when i looked at its body. It was very thin, its legs were shaped like a dogs leg, with large fluffy feet. But the thing that scared me most about the creature was it had no arms. Just fluffy little stubs. I stared at it. It stared back. Todd was silent too. It seemed as if time had stopped. 1 minute goes by. I look down, then back up at it again. Another minute goes by. Why where we here again? Another minute. Then, after what seemed like a lifetime, the thing spoke.
'Who are you?'
( Sorry it's been so looong since I've posted. Things happened and in a few weeks time I need to go to a funeral.)

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