Chapter 9-Finding secrets.

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It blinked, it's long ears pricked for any answers. Dust clogged my throat. I wanted to run. To shut the door and never return. But fear and curiosness held me routed to the spot. I stared into its white eyes, paralized. The door creaked, making me jump. I turned around. When i looked back, i thought it had gone, but its fur camoflauged it into the darkness. It tilted its head slightly.

'Who are you?' It repeated, its voice a little more urgent this time. It had a voice kind of like an echo, as if we were standing in a cave. I shifted my feet uncomfortably.  I stared at my feet, trying to avoid its gaze. Todd broke the awquard silence.

'Todd. And this is Miranda,' he pointed at me. I gave him an evil glare. 'You are?' He ignored me.

There was a loud crash. We all jumped. Well, me and Todd jumped. The rabbit seemed used to it. Me and Todd turned around, looking for answers. When we turned back, the rabbit was gone, a trail of paw prints. I guess it hated loud sounds. I grabbed the flashlight and waved it around uselessly. I saw something bolt out of the corner of my eye, and i shone the beam upwards. The rabbit was crouched on a pile of boxes, the fur around its neck fluffed up. It gave a  supspicous stare. The thing was fast, even though it had no arms. I felt scared, the feeling that there were moving fursuits creeping around sent a shiver down my spine. Todd was almost opposite. 

'I said, who are you?' he said it more angrily this time. But i was glad to hear a hint of fear in his voice. He snatched the flashlight out of my hands and shone it right into the rabbit's eyes. It blinked, i felt sorry for it. I could tell it hated light. It flattened its ears, gave a small wimper and swished its tail angrily. 

'Todd, stop it, you can tell it hates it,' i told him. He glared at me, i thought he was gonna hurt me, but he gave in. He handed back the flashlight. I heard the rabbit mutter in his echoy voice; 


'Can you please tell me who you are!?' Todd demanded.

'Im Oswald.'

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