Question 2: Animal Transformations

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"Question for just the whole cast: if you could be any animal in the world, what would you be?

Also question for Negito: why are you such a precious awkward bean can I hug you" @Kimmy_Grace asks, standing on the stage.

"O-Oh, me?" Negito questioned, glancing around. "Uh, I-I don't think I've ever been called precious... Or a bean... And I'm awkward just because I have very little experience with people... Even after all this time." He clears his throat for a moment before spreading his arms. "B-But if you want a hug, then sure."

Kimmy threw her arms around him, squeeing softly. "So how about the animals?"

"Oh, yeah! I'd love to be a fluffy doggy." Negito grins, previous shyness forgotten. "I don't care what exact breed, but a larger one would be nice."

"I would want to be a cat!" Posilyn says. Peter nods in agreement, adding.

"For me, it'd be a mainecoon, specifically."

"Foxes are my favorite animal, so I would want to be a fox." Neutro answers. "What about you, Dad?"

"If it had to be a real animal, I'd go with a fox or wolf or something, but if it could be mythological I'd pick a kitsune. They can turn into a human whenever they want, so I'd have the best of  both worlds." Emotieon the 1st replies, his voice coming from right beside the Neutral Spirit.

"Like, fox buddies all the way!" Kylie cheers, raising her hand for a high five. Neutro gently returns the gesture, but doesn't seem overly enthusiastic.

"Ooooooh, I'd wanna be, like, a cat. Or no, a dog! No wait, a ferret- or what about a peacock?" Jennifer purses her lips for a few minutes, then looks to Kimmy and sighs. "Gosh, I, like, can't pick. I love all animals."

"I'd definitely want to be a harp seal!" Ashley squeals.

"Well, I've always been partial to rabbits and guinea pigs." Felix begins, giving his shoulders a small shrug. "Whichever would be fine by me."

"I'm pretty much the same in that aspect." Ned adds.

"Yo, girl, I'd definitely want to be somethin' big, like a shark or bear." Dante grins. "They don't call me Creature of the Deep for-"

"PUPPY! I'd wanna be a puppy!" Max interrupts, giving Negito a high five upon request. "Like a Tibetan mastiff so I'll grow HUGE. Even bigger than Dante would want to be."

"Not cool, Max." The redhead mutters, shaking his head. 

"A DINOSAUR!" Freddy shouts suddenly, startling Neutro and Emotieon. "Tyrannosaurus Rex."

"Then you'd be dead." Emotieon the 1st points out, sounding smug. Freddy glares at the air.

"I don't have a favorite animal, but a deer would be nice." Hijack says. "Just hide out in the winter so I don't get shot."

"I'd find you." Negito replies nonchalantly, receiving a scolding nudge from Posilyn.

They all looked to Diapsid, who stared at Kimmy for a moment. "I'm already an animal, sso... And I'm fine being a ssnake, thank you very much." Beside him, his agent crossed his arms, closed his one eye and answered simply.

"I'd want to be a hen."

Nobody says anything, they just stare at him with varying degrees of judgement and confusion. Diapsid is definitely the most judgmental and confused.

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