Question 4: Favorite Books and Bedtime Fun

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@TheTrueTerrydactyl comes on stage, making sure everyone was present before asking. "Question for the crew: What is your favorite book and why?"

"I'll assume I'm included, so I'll go ahead and say probably Artemis Fowl: The Opal Incident. Reason why is because Artemis is the best, there's fairies and other fantasy elements involved, and overall it's just my favorite book series." Danny answers.

"Anything that isn't about occults that follow snakes, ancient Egyptian snake mythology, or dark lore about snakes is the best book in the would because that is literally all I read." Quetzacoatl replies, rubbing his temple in exasperation. 

"I don't get to read often between work an' stuff, but man, when I was a kid I loved them Hank the Cowdog books." Dante answers, smiling nostalgically. "They always made me laugh, an'after I read 'em all I wanted to do was get a brown dog an' name it Hank."

"I got one of those from a library once after Dante told me about it. I think it's really cool how the protagonist is a dog, and it is really funny." Max adds.

"It sounds strange, but I really enjoy reading medical books. Learning different techniques and medicinal practices is very challenging, which I enjoy.  It also comes in handy when someone gets hurt in some way." Ned says, adjusting his glasses before looking to Felix, who shrugs.

"It's like Dante says, I don't really have much time to read a whole book... And I don't really remember any books I liked when I was little."

"Oh! I read one of the coolest stories called Tailchaser's Song for a book report at school! It's about a cat who lives in a sort of fantasy world and goes on a quest to save his friend! Peter loves it too, don't you?" Posilyn chirps, looking to Peter.

"Yep. It's one of the best cat stories I've ever read." Peter smiles.

"I think I read the Hunger Games: Catching Fire and liked it? I don't really remember, it was a long while ago." Negito hums, scratching the back of his head.

"Does manga count? Because if so, A Link to the Past is my absolute favorite. Link isn't totally out of character like in Phantom Hourglass and just the fact that he TURNS INTO A WOLF THING is awesome... And the main pairing." Emotieon the 1st says, Neutro muttering 'why am I not surprised'.

"Eh, I've read plenty of books, but none of them ever really tickled my fancy." He answers.

"Jennifer and I are the biggest fans of the Hunger Games series ever." Ashley begins, and Jennifer nods quickly beside her. "The plot, the characters, Peeta and Gale, it's all so awesome! It keeps you guessing and has the most satisfying ending... Aside from certain spoilers. Poor Prim..."

"And Finnick." Jennifer reminds her.

"I think I remember Prim?" Negito questions. "Wasn't she the main character's little sister?"

"Like, yeah." She nods again. "You kinda read the second book first, so it's no wonder you're confused."

"I don't, like, really have a single favorite. I'm tied between Twilight and Fifty Shades of Gray."

Posilyn, Ashley and Jennifer all look at Kylie with a mix of surprise and concern, the former muttering. "Gosh, I worry about you, Kylie."

"Well, if we're counting manga and Fifty Shades of Gray, then I can count fanfiction. Angel Winged Griffin on Wattpad is one of the best stories I've ever read, and I don't even watch Beyblade. It was a mix of the usual fantasy genre, the plot was pretty interesting, and the characters were all in character. I think. Even if they weren't, they we're still pretty good. For the life of me, I can't remember who wrote it, though..." Freddy says, sighing afterward and tapping his chin.

"I-I haven't ever read anything I've, uh, c-cared for, either." Hijack stammers, not noticing Quetzacoatl shake his head gently. Now the only person left to answer was Diapsid. He looks at Terry, creasing his eyebrows and asking.

"Do I look like I've read human sstoriess?"

Terry stares Diapsid dead in the eyes for a minute before simply answering. "No. So reminder, I can ask anything, right?"

"Except anything overly inappropriate." Neutro quickly replies. 

"So no asking if you're all sexually active?"

"Absolutely not." The Spirit shakes his head. "There's a little kid here, geeze, Terry."

Terry tries to force her grin back down, but after a few seconds simply shrugs and says.

"Yeah im gonna troll ya with this for funzies so yaaaay!"

Danny begins laughing out loud, doubling over as Peter and Dante get the younger members of the group, much to Negito's protests of 'but what does she mean by that?!'

"I'm not answering that. It's inappropriate and extremely personal." Neutro huffs, pursing his lips as he looks away.

"So don't then!" Danny laughs, laying on the floor.

"... Terry, wass it?" Diapsid calls, getting her attention. "I assk again, do I look like I'd have a good ansswer to thiss quesstion?" He sighs, slithering off the stage. His agent watches him leave, then turns back to the group, who all look at him expectantly.

He half-closes his eye and raises an eyebrow, answering. "Yeah, no, I'm dying a virgin if it's the last thing I do."

"Oh... O-Okay..." Freddy murmurs.

"I can't believe you guys are actually going to answer this..." Neutro sighs.

"It's a legitimate question and we're all adults here. But to put it simply, Terry, I'm dead so no."

"No. No I am not." Freddy shakes his head.

"I live with Freddy." Hijack answers.

"Well, like, yeah. I mean, who isn't nowadays?" Jennifer suddenly answers, startling everyone. Then they begin to stare at her, all wide eyed. Neutro had a fatherly disapproving look about him.

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