Question 6: Etiquette and Dreams

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"QUESTION!" TheWeirdGeekyOne loudly declares, startling everyone present. "Negito, can I wrap you up and keep you, you're too adorkable Also, to the... Etiquette boys, how would you rate your job and what is your dream job? Also Max, Em says hi"

"Ha ha, no." Negito replies. "Why is everyone calling me cute and adorkable so much lately?"

"And, uh, since I'm a waiter and have been working there for a while now, I'll assume I count as one of the Etiquette boys." He begins, not noticing Ned murmur 'that sounds like a band name'. "I still get really nervous sometimes, and Thorn is a literal thorn in my side, but I'd still rate my job as a ten out of ten. I really enjoy getting to work alongside my friends, and getting to talk to all those people is helping me to... Well, to become more comfortable around strangers. It's a big help, even if nobody else agrees..."

"Man, I work five days a week from 8 AM to 8 PM, an' it's pretty challengin' with jus' one waiter, but ever since Negito was hired it's been a lot easier. I also do sign spinnin' out on the sidewalk some days, an' while I used to be worried 'bout Ned an' Felix havin' to manage cookin' and servin', I don't anymore. Felix an' Ned are some really understandin' employers, an' they always let me take breaks when I need 'em. All in all, I'd give my job a ratin' of one outta ten."

Felix, Ned, Negito and Max all sit in silence. Dante laughs, saying.

"Nah, I'm jus' kiddin'. Seven outta ten. There are still some issues, like someone askin' where I'm tight with Summer and Daisy." He glares at Ned, who shrugs.

"As for me, my answer is the same as Negito's, ten of ten. While there are a lot of complications with only two chefs and two servers, everyone who comes to eat at Etiquette is very understanding and patient." He says with a smile.

Felix smiles as well, looking a little teary-eyed. "Well... There's not much I can add to any of that. I'm just glad everyone enjoys working at Etiquette so much. As long as all my friends are happy, I'm happy. Ten out of ten from me, too."

Geeky looks to Max, who shrugs. "I'm not allowed to work because I can't really reach the stove and I can't carry the treys well enough. I just sit around and color all day."

"So, uh, who the heck is Em? Why is she saying hi to me?... Is she my age?" He questions, lifting his head a little. "If so, then hello!"

"As for dream jobs... I-I really don't have one..." Negito says, looking to the floor. Ned rubs his back comfortingly and adds.

"My dream job is to be a doctor. I know what to do and I've had experience thanks to this adorkable bean, I really enjoy helping people." He smiles brightly at Negito, who forces a small smile in return.

"Man, I've got more than one dream job. I wanna be a metal singer, or a professional graffiti artist, or a cop... The list goes on an' on, yo."

"Officer Dante... It's got a nice ring to it." Ned replies.

"If you need gun training, just ask." Negito adds, beginning to grin. Dante smirks, rubbing he back of his neck.

"Well, my dream job is simply being a chef, so... I'm already living my dream." Felix says with a simple shrug.

"I have no idea what my dream job is." Max says. "But I'll figure it out eventually."

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