Question 3: Relationships and Killing

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"Question for Neutro and Freddy: What exactly is your relationship? Like are you into each other or what?" @cupcakesparkles101 asks, coming onto the stage.

"Aha ha, wow, you like to get pretty personal, huh?" Neutro laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Our relationship is just platonic. I've known Freddy for a long time, and he's my best friend."

"That's exactly it." Freddy nods, then Danny nudges him with her knuckles, crossing her arms. "What?"

"Tell her the full truth."

Freddy huffs and adds quietly. "But when I first met him as Neutro, I did have a huge crush on him... I grew out of it, though, so don't go gettin' any shipper ideas."

Cupcake nods, seeming to understand. She thinks for a moment, then grins deviously as she asks. "And for everyone else: If you had to kill one person in the room, who would it be?"

"Wha- Nobody!" Posilyn immediately replies. Felix, Ned, Max and Peter nod in agreement. 

"It's just not something I'd want to do..." Felix murmurs.

"I sometimes feel like killin' Ned, if that counts." Dante answers, his face devoid of Emotion. Ned  slowly moves to hide behind Felix, who shakes his head at his employee.

"OMG, are you mental?" Kylie questions. "I wouldn't, like, kill anyone anywhere, much less my friends."

"Agreed." Ashley nods.

"Well, ain't you all just a bunch of goody two shoes?" Danny remarks, then notices Cupcake looking at her expectantly. "Uh... Me included? Okay, I'd kill Emotieon the 1st because he's already dead."

"Wow. That hurts... But I would kill Diapsid." Emotieon says.

"And I would alsso kill Emotieon." Diapsid hisses.

"I wouldn't, like, kill anybody in this room."

Everyone stares at Jennifer, who shrugs. "But a different room of people would be, like, a whole 'nother story."

"... I can respect that." Danny says.

"Well, I would kill Diapsid's agent in a heartbeat. I would have done it sooner if somebody hadn't stopped me." Negito answers, casting a glare at Neutro for a moment. Quetzacoatl blinked, looking to the ceiling with a shrug.

"Well, the people in the room I do know are either my boss or would cause some chaos if I killed them, and I don't have anything personal against anyone else." He says. "... That's not everyone, though."

"It isn't?" Danny asks, looking around. "Where's Hijack?"

... Everybody looks around, realizing the magician isn't present. Danny looked to Cupcake, shrugging. "I guess he probably wouldn't kill anyone here. Except maybe Diapsid or Quetza."

"If he even remembers me." Quetzacoatl mutters.

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