Chapter 23

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I spent the rest of the week and Christmas with Sean and his family. I got the chance to meet some of his other relatives as well as his sister and her kids. Sean's sister Gabrielle was two years older than him and one of her daughter- Amoya was around my age. They were all considerably nice to me and seems accepting and all but I got the feeling that Gabrielle didn't exactly approved of my relationship with Sean. I know it had to do with the fact that Sean was over fifteen years older than me and she was old enough to be my mother, she somehow believe that Sean is a bit too old for me. She didn't exactly told me that but I could pick it up. Its usually the same thing when everyone seems surprised about how young I was. I just didn't get the big deal with this age thing, it wasn't like I was an underage child and Sean was being a perverted paedophile or anything. We were both consenting adults capable of making our own decisions. Otherwise from that, everyone has been really welcoming and nice to me and I had a good time with Sean's family before returning home and joining mine for the New year before they returned home as well.

School started once again and I hadn't seen Sean over a week now. I was already missing him but I was busy with school and he was busy with work. He had suggested that I stayed with him and attend school since it was a bit closer from his place but since I spent the holiday away with him I decided to just try to catch up back with my family. Plus I wanted to catch up with Kim as well, it feels like its been forever since we last get some girls time together.

"I can't stand her" mom rolled her eyes at someone behind me.

"Who?" I asked not wanting to just turn and look at once.

"The snobby bitch in her class" Kim responded.

"Who Crystal?" I asked before turning to look.

"Yes. See, you didn't even have to see who I was talking to know that it was her" Kim responded "I just can't stand the bitch, I hope I don't end up in any groups with her this year"

"Me neither" I responded "You know what I'm concerned about, the fact that she's training to be a teacher. Like whose kids is she going to teach when she can't even teach herself?"

"The college is glad to take her money that's the only reason they keep her in. She's failed and had to resit almost every single one of her courses since she's started but her parents are willing to fork out any sum of money and the college is willing to take it. I just don't get how the hell she's still such a snobbish bitch when she can't even spell bitch"

"What's your deal with her anyway?" I chuckled at her previous comment about Crystal.

"I don't know why she doesn't keep her nose on her damn face and out people's business. Monday Cory dropped me off and I heard her made a comment about sugar daddy in class. I just want her to call out my name so I can get the chance the slap it out of her mouth"

"Don't give her the satisfaction of feeling like she's important. Just do what I always do, ignore her. Its the worst insult to someone like her, don't you see she still has a childish immature personality? Don't stoop down to her level" I told Kim "So, how is Cory?"

"He's doing great. He's finally toned down the possessive bossiness so we're getting along perfectly for now" Kim smiled.

"That's great Kim. Now the two of you can both be happy. You should tell him I said hi the next time you and him talk okay"

"I'll do that. So what about Sean, have you two gotten to spend anymore time together since you got back from vacation?" Kim asked.

"No, we've both been so busy but I'll be staying with him this weekend"

"You're kidding me right?" I said to Sean in disbelief.

"No. Why do you make it sound that bad?" Sean asked me "Its just for two nights. Morgan please"

"No that's not it. The thing is watching and staying with Chrissy is no problem at all but do you seriously expect me to stay here alone with Aliyah? That girl hates me Sean do you think you leaving me alone with her is going to be easy?"

"Morgan if I gave her strict instructions that you're in charge and she has to listen to you and respect you, she won't try to have her own way because she knows that if you tell me when I get back her punishment won't be easy"

"And how is that going
to make anything better? She already hates me and even worse since we been to Beverley hills and you took away her gadgets. If I stay with them and she misbehaves and then I complained to you that's only going to be more reason to hate me"

"And I'll keep grounding her and punishing her until she finally cut the crap and decides to stop being a spoiled brat" Sean responded "Please Morgan, you know I wouldn't ask you to do this if I wasn't desperate. Usually I would have left the kids with the aunt or grandparents but I had totally forgotten about this convention thing so I hadn't discussed this arrangement with them and now its a little too sudden and they're all busy that's why I'm asking you. I promise I'll make it up to you"

"Oh my God Sean. Why cant I say no to you?" I groaned running my hands over my eyes "Okay fine, I'll watch them. Although I'm positively sure that I'm going to regret this"

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