Chapter 1

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~ Niall pov~

As I entered in my english teacher's classroom, My boyfriend Zayn came in behind me and smacked my ass.

"Zayn!!!" I basically screamed. "The fuck?!?!"

"Sorry babe, I couldn't help it you have a nice ass." He said with a pout.

"Damnit you know can't stay mad at you when you pout." I said slapping him.

"I know." He said with the biggest grin ever.

"Class sit down, you have a test today." My English teacher Mr.Payne said as he walked into the classroom.

"Awwww" the whole class said together.
After everyone finished the test the bell rang. Everyone packed up and started leaving.

"Niall horan and Zayn malik stay" he said looking up from his paperwork on his desk.

Now this may be weird but just listen. Me and zayn have been together for 2 years and we are very open with each other. After the 1st year we started dating I sat him down and told him that I find Mr.Payne attractive and might possibly like him somewhat and that I hoped he wouldn't freak out. Well he told me that he wasn't going to cause he felt the same way. -wondering why I brought this up? Keep reading.-

"Yes Mr.Payne?" I said sitting back down in my seat and so did zayn.

"We need to talk, now don't freak out and you can say no. But I was wondering if both of you would like to be in a 3 way relationship with me."

"Umm...what's that?" I said completely confused.

"It's were 3 people date each other. As an example, you date zayn, I date zayn and we date. We are all equally together no 3 wheels."

"Can we have time to discuss it and come back with an answer say tomorrow?" Zayn said as I was at a lost for words.

"Of course, this is a big decision. As the fack that we would have to keep it a secret."

"Why would we have to keep it a secret we're both 18." Zayn said. At this point I was just a listening.

"Because although you are both 18. You are my students. And dating my students would get me on big trouble."

"Oh.." Zayn said. "Okay, we'll talk about it and give you an answer tomorrow.

"Okay, see you tomorrow. Zayn. Niall."

And with that he left the room.

"Call you later?" Zayn said.

"Yeah. We'll talk about this." I said giving him a kiss on his cheek then leaving without listening to hear his response.

What is going on? It's like a dream.
I get home and throw my backpack on the couch and then head up to my room. My mom is probably with one of her friends. I lay down and without trying i start to fall asleep.
Im walking into class when the only people in there are zayn and Mr.Payne. all of a sudden the classroom turns into a bedroom. And we're all naked. I see Zayn's big dick. But all I see is Mr Payne's naked ass. He starts to turn around..
I wake up to here Zayn's ringtone going off. I grab the phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I say my voice scrachy and deep.

"Oh, I'm sorry babe. Did I wake you?" He said as I started to sit up.

"Yeah, but its fine. I didn't mean to fall asleep anyway."

"Oh okay. Um so about Mr.Payne's offer. What do we think?" He asked seeming like he wanted to say something but didn't know if he should.

We got into the conversation and we decided on what our answer is going to be. After that we finish talking and say goodnight. I lay down and start to drift off thinking about what tomorrow is going to bring and how our decision is going to affect our lives.

What if we didn't decide on this? Would it be better that way? Before I could think any more I fell asleep.

And without food...


Did they say yes or no?

Did you already guess?

I would have made it longer but its 5min til 2am so I'm tired.

But I will try to put chapter 2 up by Wednesday.

If not sorry.

Unusual ~Zialliam~(Not Completed. Not being Continued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat