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Hi to all, Really a heartful thanks to all who supporting me. 

I can't able express my happiness by words, by seeing all you're support giving me new thoughts to give a perfect story, i will promise you all that, i will work hard to give a best story and best abhigya scenes.

Sorry this is not a update , just profile of this story characters, I decided to give this to you to avoid confusion in future.

Vivian Mehra: Head of Mehra enterprises.

Priya Mehra: Social worker and house wife

Neil mehra: No 1 Business man in all over country, partner of his dad's company

Rachana Arora: Software engineer and also artist  (when she was free)

Ram Arora: Bank manager

Sarla Arora: House wife

Bulbul Arora: Fashion designer and trying to become model

Tanu shree Arora: Software engineer and a programmer (computer greek)

Karan Luthra : Bussiness man (already mentioned in introduction)

Aliya Luthra : No 1 Model and dancer 

No need of Prakash and Anjali profiles, If useful i will give in future.

I also not given abhi and purab profiles because I am confused a little about their profiles but I will give it in next update according to my story line. Bye till my next update , it will be soon.

Once again thanks to all , keep supporting me

Ur's Ramya.

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