First Kiss

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Hi friends, Thank you all for such a huge support for my stories,and I am very happy to receive such a response from you all even I am not updating as per my promises, Thanks a lot friends <3

And one thing I want inform you guys that is, I am writing flashback story by giving situation like someone thinking or saying about it, but I am writing completely from all point of view, means suppose abhi doesn't about some situation completely but In flashback story I am saying complete situation even though its like he is thinking about past (I think you all understood what my point is, if not please give inline comment i will explain) In short, flashback going to be explain completely from all point of views but the person who thinking about past doesn't know some situations, I am just trying to cover all sides because I can't drag more this story by saying separate point of views (I am I clear?? please say if you understood or not)

So lets peep into story.................

Leaving Abhi and Pragya in guest house, Manan nd Aarja went to hostels, and Purab went to Pune because while dinner he got phone from his Uncle that his aunty is not well , so he went their (Purab have only Uncle's family who is his mom's side relatives)

Pragya sleeping peacefully in half lying position by leaning on the headboard of bed, she likes to sleep like that. suddenly she heard some sound from balcony which attached to that bedroom, like someone fallen, because of that sound her sleep got disturbed and she saw towards balcony by half opening her eyes, she saw someone shadow moving behind curtains which covering balcony door, she immediately with a jerk stood from bed, and taking slow steps she walked towards balcony and she slided curtains opening door, but she found nothing and she closed door and turned towards bed but suddenly she heard a thud sound backside when she turned back she saw one person knocking on door with knife in one hand he is Nikhil, she immediately ran way from that door and shouted "Abhi, Abhi, me" 

Abhi who is in his bedroom hearing music, after hearing her shout immediately ran towards her room and saw she is shivering holding bedpost by standing between wall and bed shoutting for help, he went to her, after he went near she hugged him showing towards balcony and saying "Abhi, their he is trying to come in, Abhi" 

Abhi turned towards balcony, but no one is visible there, "Pragya, see no one is there, you are just dreaming" "No abhi, i saw him there standing  with knife and trying come inside, I am saying true abhi" pragya said to abhi, shivered a lot thinking about  that person

"No... I think you want rest pragya please come here and sit first" saying this he made her sit on bed and gave water glass to calm her

Pragya first denied but took water but seeing towards balcony, she is drinking water and again he came near door and sighed her that he will kill her by showing knife, pragya immediately shouted again "Abhi see their....abhi see again he came....."

Abhi turned but found no one "Pragya no one is there, please calm down" he tried to explain her

" showed me" he continuously blabbering this not giving chance to abhi to talk , he getting worried about her, "pragya...listen..." he again stopped by her "No abhi,," abhi trying to explain but she contiuously stammering and shivering and keep saying to save her

After lots of struggle to stop her but seeing no use of talking with her, he slammed his lips on her lips, she at first stunned and tried to move away but abhi didn't allowed her, she slowly started kissing him

It was not any love passionate or lustful kiss, its just a assurance from him to her that he is there, and to divert her from that fear which completely breaking her, he can't see her like this, but he doesn't  know reason but he know he can't see her like this, so he kissed her only to stop breaking her beyond repair.

This kiss gave her  assurance which he giving, she felt like she is in save world where no one can even touch her, she slowly started forgetting about fear, she got strength 

Abhi got his sense and understood what he doing , he immediately stopped kissing and pragya also felt some weird at that time she moved back a little, not knowing what to say , abhi started "Woh...woh...I didn't....mean to............." He stopped as pragya got up and ran into wardrobe and closed door 

Both are in dilemma how to approach each other about this , Abhi 'What have you did abhi, don't you have sense? what she will think of you, you gave shelter saying it would be safe for her, but your behavior makes her feel uncomfortable, don't you think before doing anything. How can you kiss her like this? she will think you are using her situation....shit....I have to ask sorry to her..........abhi do something to make her understand that you are not did intentionally'

Here pragya ran into wardrobe and splashed water on face 'pragya have you gone nuts, how could you allow him to kiss you. What he thinks? he just tried to stop your fear but you have to stop him na but instead of it you also kissed him back.............oh god pragya why you have to mess things, he thinks me as oppurtunist , so only i allowed him to kisss......shit....god please give me some sense..............I have to say him sorry '

Both did't dare to face each other after that incident, they decided say sorry to each other but didn't have guts to face, so they just decided to play hide and seek with eachother.

Next morning,

Abhigya friends (Their gang only)  came to see pragya on morning, they saw abhi sittting in hall having coffee, neared him "Abhi, Good morning" All said together

"Good morning guys" Abhi replied with smile

"Abhi, where is pragz? Is she fine after we went?" Maya asked which made abhi think about yesterday situation

"Hey abhi, where you lost?" Nandhini asked shaking abhi holding shoulder

"Nothing.......just thinking about yesterday" Abhi said 

"What happened? Is anything serious" Arjun asked , abhi narrated about yesterday pragya situation except their kiss 

" is hilarous, she imagining nikhil killing her, how is it possible? why she thinking he will kill her, he tried to abuse her na........may pragya get well soon" Nandhini said folding her hands as praying, but in between prayers she gave some benefit of doubt to one among them about that dream , IS it true or dream??, the person thought to say it, but doesn't wanted to panic everyone so went towards pragya's room without anyone knowledge

When that person entered into her room, at that time pragya is sleeping peacefully covering herself with duvet, then that person went towards balcony and opened door, searched in balcony for any clue, but found nothing, when he/she about to turn , their the person found a wallet, which confirmed that nikhil came their, and it's not pragya's dream..............

*The End*

So how is my twist, Again I hided person who knows something important, come on guess, i have one name in mind, but if anyone gives more guesses for same person, i will change name

So how is this update guys?? please give comments and votes, they are more valuable

And also ask any doubts you have regarding my flashback theme which I tried to clear starting of this update (Please scroll up)

Bye friends, I may not able to give replies for you guys till monday as I am going to out of station, immedistely after coming back I will reply to all ur comments :)



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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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